Commit 5f76ef21 authored by 潘永坪's avatar 潘永坪


parent 5fdde65d
......@@ -33,7 +33,57 @@
<!-- 退票规则 -->
<view class="middle-list" style="border-bottom: none;">
<view class="middle-title">
<text v-if="buyKnowData.backChangeRule == 0">不可退换</text>
<text v-if="buyKnowData.backChangeRule == 1">有条件退</text>
<text v-if="buyKnowData.backChangeRule == 2">随时可退</text>
<view class="middle-content" v-if="buyKnowData.backChangeRule == 1">
<uni-table border>
<uni-th align="center">取消时间(当地时间)</uni-th>
<uni-th align="center">损失费用</uni-th>
<uni-td align="center">
<!-- 使用时期前 -->
<text v-if="buyKnowData.productRefundRuleVo.refundTimeRule==1">
<text v-if="buyKnowData.productRefundRuleVo.refundRuleList[0].refundDay==0">
<text v-else>
<!-- 过期后 -->
<text v-if="buyKnowData.productRefundRuleVo.refundTimeRule==2">
<text v-if="buyKnowData.productRefundRuleVo.refundRuleList[0].refundDay==0">
<text v-else>
<uni-td align="center">
<!-- 无手续费 -->
<text v-if="buyKnowData.productRefundRuleVo.refundRuleList[0].isOrderFee==0">0</text>
<!-- 需要手续费 -->
<text v-if="buyKnowData.productRefundRuleVo.refundRuleList[0].isOrderFee==1">
<text v-if="buyKnowData.productRefundRuleVo.refundRuleList[0].refundPoundageType==0">
<text v-if="buyKnowData.productRefundRuleVo.refundRuleList[0].refundPoundageType==1">
......@@ -350,6 +350,7 @@ export default {
let newTimestamp=uni.getStorageSync('newTimestamp')||''
let token = uni.getStorageSync('token')
let queryFun=()=>{
if (token) {
type: 'wgs84',
......@@ -384,6 +385,18 @@ export default {
//#ifdef MP-WEIXIN
//#ifdef MP-ALIPAY
methods: {
......@@ -18,9 +18,9 @@
<view @click="showBuyKnow(index)" class="buyKnow">
<text v-if="item.backChangeRule == 0">不可退换</text>
<text v-if="item.backChangeRule == 1">退</text>
<text v-if="item.backChangeRule == 1">有条件退</text>
<text v-if="item.backChangeRule == 2">随时可退</text>
<text v-if="item.isFetch == 1">无需取号</text>
<text v-if="item.isFetch == 1" style="margin-left: 10rpx;">无需取号</text>
......@@ -17,9 +17,9 @@
<view @click="showBuyKnow()" class="buyKnow">
<text v-if="productIfo.backChangeRule == 0">不可退换</text>
<text v-if="productIfo.backChangeRule == 1">退</text>
<text v-if="productIfo.backChangeRule == 1">有条件退</text>
<text v-if="productIfo.backChangeRule == 2">随时可退</text>
<text v-if="productIfo.isFetch == 1">无需取号</text>
<text v-if="productIfo.isFetch == 1" style="margin-left: 10rpx;">无需取号</text>
......@@ -470,9 +470,15 @@ export default {
this.orderSource = this.$commonjs.getKey(option,'orderSource')|| ''
this.thirdOpenid = this.$commonjs.getKey(option,'thirdOpenid')|| '' //第三方openid
this.productId = this.$commonjs.getKey(option,'productId') || ''
//#ifdef MP-WEIXIN
this.initData() //页面初始化数据
//#ifdef MP-ALIPAY
this.initData() //页面初始化数据
this.docQuery = uni.createSelectorQuery().in(this)
computed: {
## 2.2.34(2024-04-24)
- 新增 日期点击事件,在点击日期时会触发该事件。
## 2.2.33(2024-04-15)
- 修复 抖音小程序事件传递失效bug
## 2.2.32(2024-02-20)
- 修复 日历的close事件触发异常的bug [详情](
## 2.2.31(2024-02-20)
- 修复 h5平台 右边日历的月份默认+1的bug [详情](
## 2.2.30(2024-01-31)
- 修复 隐藏“秒”时,在IOS15及以下版本时出现 结束时间在开始时间之前 的bug [详情](
## 2.2.29(2024-01-20)
- 新增 show事件,弹窗弹出时触发该事件 [详情](
## 2.2.28(2024-01-18)
- 去除 noChange事件,当进行日期范围选择时,若只选了一天,则开始结束日期都为同一天 [详情](
## 2.2.27(2024-01-10)
- 优化 增加noChange事件,当进行日期范围选择时,若有空值,则触发该事件 [详情](
## 2.2.26(2024-01-08)
- 修复 字节小程序时间选择范围器失效问题 [详情](
## 2.2.25(2023-10-18)
- 修复 PC端初次修改时间,开始时间未更新的Bug [详情](
## 2.2.24(2023-06-02)
- 修复 部分情况修改时间,开始、结束时间显示异常的Bug [详情](
- 优化 当前月可以选择上月、下月的日期的Bug
## 2.2.23(2023-05-02)
- 修复 部分情况修改时间,开始时间未更新的Bug [详情](
- 修复 部分平台及设备第一次点击无法显示弹框的Bug
- 修复 ios 日期格式未补零显示及使用异常的Bug [详情](
## 2.2.22(2023-03-30)
- 修复 日历 picker 修改年月后,自动选中当月1日的Bug [详情](
- 修复 小程序端 低版本 ios NaN的Bug [详情](
## 2.2.21(2023-02-20)
- 修复 firefox 浏览器显示区域点击无法拉起日历弹框的Bug [详情](
## 2.2.20(2023-02-17)
- 优化 值为空依然选中当天问题
- 优化 提供 default-value 属性支持配置选择器打开时默认显示的时间
- 优化 非范围选择未选择日期时间,点击确认按钮选中当前日期时间
- 优化 字节小程序日期时间范围选择,底部日期换行的Bug
## 2.2.19(2023-02-09)
- 修复 2.2.18 引起范围选择配置 end 选择无效的Bug [详情](
## 2.2.18(2023-02-08)
- 修复 移动端范围选择change事件触发异常的Bug [详情](
- 优化 PC端输入日期格式错误时返回当前日期时间
- 优化 PC端输入日期时间超出 start、end 限制的Bug
- 优化 移动端日期时间范围用法时间展示不完整问题
## 2.2.17(2023-02-04)
- 修复 小程序端绑定 Date 类型报错的Bug [详情](
- 修复 vue3 time-picker 无法显示绑定时分秒的Bug
## 2.2.16(2023-02-02)
- 修复 字节小程序报错的Bug
## 2.2.15(2023-02-02)
- 修复 某些情况切换月份错误的Bug
## 2.2.14(2023-01-30)
- 修复 某些情况切换月份错误的Bug [详情](
## 2.2.13(2023-01-10)
- 修复 多次加载组件造成内存占用的Bug
## 2.2.12(2022-12-01)
- 修复 vue3 下 i18n 国际化初始值不正确的Bug
## 2.2.11(2022-09-19)
- 修复 支付宝小程序样式错乱的Bug [详情](
## 2.2.10(2022-09-19)
- 修复 反向选择日期范围,日期显示异常的Bug [详情](
## 2.2.9(2022-09-16)
- 可以使用 uni-scss 控制主题色
## 2.2.8(2022-09-08)
- 修复 close事件无效的Bug
## 2.2.7(2022-09-05)
- 修复 移动端 maskClick 无效的Bug [详情](
## 2.2.6(2022-06-30)
- 优化 组件样式,调整了组件图标大小、高度、颜色等,与uni-ui风格保持一致
## 2.2.5(2022-06-24)
- 修复 日历顶部年月及底部确认未国际化的Bug
## 2.2.4(2022-03-31)
- 修复 Vue3 下动态赋值,单选类型未响应的Bug
## 2.2.3(2022-03-28)
- 修复 Vue3 下动态赋值未响应的Bug
## 2.2.2(2021-12-10)
- 修复 clear-icon 属性在小程序平台不生效的Bug
## 2.2.1(2021-12-10)
- 修复 日期范围选在小程序平台,必须多点击一次才能取消选中状态的Bug
## 2.2.0(2021-11-19)
- 优化 组件UI,并提供设计资源 [详情](
- 文档迁移 [](
## 2.1.5(2021-11-09)
- 新增 提供组件设计资源,组件样式调整
## 2.1.4(2021-09-10)
- 修复 hide-second 在移动端的Bug
- 修复 单选赋默认值时,赋值日期未高亮的Bug
- 修复 赋默认值时,移动端未正确显示时间的Bug
## 2.1.3(2021-09-09)
- 新增 hide-second 属性,支持只使用时分,隐藏秒
## 2.1.2(2021-09-03)
- 优化 取消选中时(范围选)直接开始下一次选择, 避免多点一次
- 优化 移动端支持清除按钮,同时支持通过 ref 调用组件的 clear 方法
- 优化 调整字号大小,美化日历界面
- 修复 因国际化导致的 placeholder 失效的Bug
## 2.1.1(2021-08-24)
- 新增 支持国际化
- 优化 范围选择器在 pc 端过宽的问题
## 2.1.0(2021-08-09)
- 新增 适配 vue3
## 2.0.19(2021-08-09)
- 新增 支持作为 uni-forms 子组件相关功能
- 修复 在 uni-forms 中使用时,选择时间报 NAN 错误的Bug
## 2.0.18(2021-08-05)
- 修复 type 属性动态赋值无效的Bug
- 修复 ‘确认’按钮被 tabbar 遮盖 bug
- 修复 组件未赋值时范围选左、右日历相同的Bug
## 2.0.17(2021-08-04)
- 修复 范围选未正确显示当前值的Bug
- 修复 h5 平台(移动端)报错 'cale' of undefined 的Bug
## 2.0.16(2021-07-21)
- 新增 return-type 属性支持返回 date 日期对象
## 2.0.15(2021-07-14)
- 修复 单选日期类型,初始赋值后不在当前日历的Bug
- 新增 clearIcon 属性,显示框的清空按钮可配置显示隐藏(仅 pc 有效)
- 优化 移动端移除显示框的清空按钮,无实际用途
## 2.0.14(2021-07-14)
- 修复 组件赋值为空,界面未更新的Bug
- 修复 start 和 end 不能动态赋值的Bug
- 修复 范围选类型,用户选择后再次选择右侧日历(结束日期)显示不正确的Bug
## 2.0.13(2021-07-08)
- 修复 范围选择不能动态赋值的Bug
## 2.0.12(2021-07-08)
- 修复 范围选择的初始时间在一个月内时,造成无法选择的bug
## 2.0.11(2021-07-08)
- 优化 弹出层在超出视窗边缘定位不准确的问题
## 2.0.10(2021-07-08)
- 修复 范围起始点样式的背景色与今日样式的字体前景色融合,导致日期字体看不清的Bug
- 优化 弹出层在超出视窗边缘被遮盖的问题
## 2.0.9(2021-07-07)
- 新增 maskClick 事件
- 修复 特殊情况日历 rpx 布局错误的Bug,rpx -> px
- 修复 范围选择时清空返回值不合理的bug,['', ''] -> []
## 2.0.8(2021-07-07)
- 新增 日期时间显示框支持插槽
## 2.0.7(2021-07-01)
- 优化 添加 uni-icons 依赖
## 2.0.6(2021-05-22)
- 修复 图标在小程序上不显示的Bug
- 优化 重命名引用组件,避免潜在组件命名冲突
## 2.0.5(2021-05-20)
- 优化 代码目录扁平化
## 2.0.4(2021-05-12)
- 新增 组件示例地址
## 2.0.3(2021-05-10)
- 修复 ios 下不识别 '-' 日期格式的Bug
- 优化 pc 下弹出层添加边框和阴影
## 2.0.2(2021-05-08)
- 修复 在 admin 中获取弹出层定位错误的bug
## 2.0.1(2021-05-08)
- 修复 type 属性向下兼容,默认值从 date 变更为 datetime
## 2.0.0(2021-04-30)
- 支持日历形式的日期+时间的范围选择
> 注意:此版本不向后兼容,不再支持单独时间选择(type=time)及相关的 hide-second 属性(时间选可使用内置组件 picker)
## 1.0.6(2021-03-18)
- 新增 hide-second 属性,时间支持仅选择时、分
- 修复 选择跟显示的日期不一样的Bug
- 修复 chang事件触发2次的Bug
- 修复 分、秒 end 范围错误的Bug
- 优化 更好的 nvue 适配
<view class="uni-calendar-item__weeks-box" :class="{
'uni-calendar-item--multiple': weeks.multiple,
}" @click="choiceDate(weeks)" @mouseenter="handleMousemove(weeks)">
<view class="uni-calendar-item__weeks-box-item" :class="{
'uni-calendar-item--checked':calendar.fullDate === weeks.fullDate && (calendar.userChecked || !checkHover),
'uni-calendar-item--checked-range-text': checkHover,
'uni-calendar-item--multiple': weeks.multiple,
<text v-if="selected && weeks.extraInfo" class="uni-calendar-item__weeks-box-circle"></text>
<text class="uni-calendar-item__weeks-box-text uni-calendar-item__weeks-box-text-disable uni-calendar-item--checked-text">{{}}</text>
<view :class="{'uni-calendar-item--today': weeks.isToday}"></view>
export default {
props: {
weeks: {
type: Object,
default () {
return {}
calendar: {
type: Object,
default: () => {
return {}
selected: {
type: Array,
default: () => {
return []
checkHover: {
type: Boolean,
default: false
methods: {
choiceDate(weeks) {
this.$emit('change', weeks)
handleMousemove(weeks) {
this.$emit('handleMouse', weeks)
<style lang="scss" >
$uni-primary: #007aff !default;
.uni-calendar-item__weeks-box {
flex: 1;
/* #ifndef APP-NVUE */
display: flex;
/* #endif */
flex-direction: column;
justify-content: center;
align-items: center;
margin: 1px 0;
position: relative;
.uni-calendar-item__weeks-box-text {
font-size: 14px;
// font-family: Lato-Bold, Lato;
font-weight: bold;
color: darken($color: $uni-primary, $amount: 40%);
.uni-calendar-item__weeks-box-item {
position: relative;
/* #ifndef APP-NVUE */
display: flex;
/* #endif */
flex-direction: column;
justify-content: center;
align-items: center;
width: 40px;
height: 40px;
/* #ifdef H5 */
cursor: pointer;
/* #endif */
.uni-calendar-item__weeks-box-circle {
position: absolute;
top: 5px;
right: 5px;
width: 8px;
height: 8px;
border-radius: 8px;
background-color: #dd524d;
.uni-calendar-item__weeks-box .uni-calendar-item--disable {
cursor: default;
.uni-calendar-item--disable .uni-calendar-item__weeks-box-text-disable {
color: #D1D1D1;
.uni-calendar-item--today {
position: absolute;
top: 10px;
right: 17%;
background-color: #dd524d;
height: 6px;
border-radius: 50%;
.uni-calendar-item--extra {
color: #dd524d;
opacity: 0.8;
.uni-calendar-item__weeks-box .uni-calendar-item--checked {
background-color: $uni-primary;
border-radius: 50%;
box-sizing: border-box;
border: 3px solid #fff;
.uni-calendar-item--checked .uni-calendar-item--checked-text {
color: #fff;
.uni-calendar-item--multiple .uni-calendar-item--checked-range-text {
color: #333;
.uni-calendar-item--multiple {
background-color: #F6F7FC;
// color: #fff;
.uni-calendar-item--multiple .uni-calendar-item--before-checked,
.uni-calendar-item--multiple .uni-calendar-item--after-checked {
background-color: $uni-primary;
border-radius: 50%;
box-sizing: border-box;
border: 3px solid #F6F7FC;
.uni-calendar-item--before-checked .uni-calendar-item--checked-text,
.uni-calendar-item--after-checked .uni-calendar-item--checked-text {
color: #fff;
.uni-calendar-item--before-checked-x {
border-top-left-radius: 50px;
border-bottom-left-radius: 50px;
box-sizing: border-box;
background-color: #F6F7FC;
.uni-calendar-item--after-checked-x {
border-top-right-radius: 50px;
border-bottom-right-radius: 50px;
background-color: #F6F7FC;
"uni-datetime-picker.selectDate": "select date",
"uni-datetime-picker.selectTime": "select time",
"uni-datetime-picker.selectDateTime": "select date and time",
"uni-datetime-picker.startDate": "start date",
"uni-datetime-picker.endDate": "end date",
"uni-datetime-picker.startTime": "start time",
"uni-datetime-picker.endTime": "end time",
"uni-datetime-picker.ok": "ok",
"uni-datetime-picker.clear": "clear",
"uni-datetime-picker.cancel": "cancel",
"uni-datetime-picker.year": "-",
"uni-datetime-picker.month": "",
"uni-calender.MON": "MON",
"uni-calender.TUE": "TUE",
"uni-calender.WED": "WED",
"uni-calender.THU": "THU",
"uni-calender.FRI": "FRI",
"uni-calender.SAT": "SAT",
"uni-calender.SUN": "SUN",
"uni-calender.confirm": "confirm"
import en from './en.json'
import zhHans from './zh-Hans.json'
import zhHant from './zh-Hant.json'
export default {
'zh-Hans': zhHans,
'zh-Hant': zhHant
"uni-datetime-picker.selectDate": "选择日期",
"uni-datetime-picker.selectTime": "选择时间",
"uni-datetime-picker.selectDateTime": "选择日期时间",
"uni-datetime-picker.startDate": "开始日期",
"uni-datetime-picker.endDate": "结束日期",
"uni-datetime-picker.startTime": "开始时间",
"uni-datetime-picker.endTime": "结束时间",
"uni-datetime-picker.ok": "确定",
"uni-datetime-picker.clear": "清除",
"uni-datetime-picker.cancel": "取消",
"uni-datetime-picker.year": "年",
"uni-datetime-picker.month": "月",
"uni-calender.SUN": "日",
"uni-calender.MON": "一",
"uni-calender.TUE": "二",
"uni-calender.WED": "三",
"uni-calender.THU": "四",
"uni-calender.FRI": "五",
"uni-calender.SAT": "六",
"uni-calender.confirm": "确认"
\ No newline at end of file
"uni-datetime-picker.selectDate": "選擇日期",
"uni-datetime-picker.selectTime": "選擇時間",
"uni-datetime-picker.selectDateTime": "選擇日期時間",
"uni-datetime-picker.startDate": "開始日期",
"uni-datetime-picker.endDate": "結束日期",
"uni-datetime-picker.startTime": "開始时间",
"uni-datetime-picker.endTime": "結束时间",
"uni-datetime-picker.ok": "確定",
"uni-datetime-picker.clear": "清除",
"uni-datetime-picker.cancel": "取消",
"uni-datetime-picker.year": "年",
"uni-datetime-picker.month": "月",
"uni-calender.SUN": "日",
"uni-calender.MON": "一",
"uni-calender.TUE": "二",
"uni-calender.WED": "三",
"uni-calender.THU": "四",
"uni-calender.FRI": "五",
"uni-calender.SAT": "六",
"uni-calender.confirm": "確認"
\ No newline at end of file
"id": "uni-datetime-picker",
"displayName": "uni-datetime-picker 日期选择器",
"version": "2.2.34",
"description": "uni-datetime-picker 日期时间选择器,支持日历,支持范围选择",
"keywords": [
"repository": "",
"engines": {
"HBuilderX": ""
"directories": {
"example": "../../temps/example_temps"
"dcloudext": {
"sale": {
"regular": {
"price": "0.00"
"sourcecode": {
"price": "0.00"
"contact": {
"qq": ""
"declaration": {
"ads": "无",
"data": "无",
"permissions": "无"
"npmurl": "",
"type": "component-vue"
"uni_modules": {
"dependencies": [
"encrypt": [],
"platforms": {
"cloud": {
"tcb": "y",
"aliyun": "y",
"alipay": "n"
"client": {
"App": {
"app-vue": "y",
"app-nvue": "n"
"H5-mobile": {
"Safari": "y",
"Android Browser": "y",
"微信浏览器(Android)": "y",
"QQ浏览器(Android)": "y"
"H5-pc": {
"Chrome": "y",
"IE": "y",
"Edge": "y",
"Firefox": "y",
"Safari": "y"
"小程序": {
"微信": "y",
"阿里": "y",
"百度": "y",
"字节跳动": "y",
"QQ": "y"
"快应用": {
"华为": "u",
"联盟": "u"
"Vue": {
"vue2": "y",
"vue3": "y"
> `重要通知:组件升级更新 2.0.0 后,支持日期+时间范围选择,组件 ui 将使用日历选择日期,ui 变化较大,同时支持 PC 和 移动端。此版本不向后兼容,不再支持单独的时间选择(type=time)及相关的 hide-second 属性(时间选可使用内置组件 picker)。若仍需使用旧版本,可在插件市场下载*非uni_modules版本*,旧版本将不再维护`
## DatetimePicker 时间选择器
> **组件名:uni-datetime-picker**
> 代码块: `uDatetimePicker`
若只是需要单独选择日期和时间,不需要时间戳输入和输出,可使用原生的 picker 组件。
**_点击 picker 默认值规则:_**
- 若设置初始值 value, 会显示在 picker 显示框中
- 若无初始值 value,则初始值 value 为当前本地时间, 但不会显示在 picker 显示框中
### [查看文档](
#### 如使用过程中有任何问题,或者您对uni-ui有一些好的建议,欢迎加入 uni-ui 交流群:871950839
\ No newline at end of file
## 2.0.9(2024-01-12)
fix: 修复图标大小默认值错误的问题
## 2.0.8(2023-12-14)
- 修复 项目未使用 ts 情况下,打包报错的bug
## 2.0.7(2023-12-14)
- 修复 size 属性为 string 时,不加单位导致尺寸异常的bug
## 2.0.6(2023-12-11)
- 优化 兼容老版本icon类型,如 top ,bottom 等
## 2.0.5(2023-12-11)
- 优化 兼容老版本icon类型,如 top ,bottom 等
## 2.0.4(2023-12-06)
- 优化 uni-app x 下示例项目图标排序
## 2.0.3(2023-12-06)
- 修复 nvue下引入组件报错的bug
## 2.0.2(2023-12-05)
-优化 size 属性支持单位
## 2.0.1(2023-12-05)
- 新增 uni-app x 支持定义图标
## 1.3.5(2022-01-24)
- 优化 size 属性可以传入不带单位的字符串数值
## 1.3.4(2022-01-24)
- 优化 size 支持其他单位
## 1.3.3(2022-01-17)
- 修复 nvue 有些图标不显示的bug,兼容老版本图标
## 1.3.2(2021-12-01)
- 优化 示例可复制图标名称
## 1.3.1(2021-11-23)
- 优化 兼容旧组件 type 值
## 1.3.0(2021-11-19)
- 新增 更多图标
- 优化 自定义图标使用方式
- 优化 组件UI,并提供设计资源,详见:[](
- 文档迁移,详见:[](
## 1.1.7(2021-11-08)
## 1.2.0(2021-07-30)
- 组件兼容 vue3,如何创建vue3项目,详见 [uni-app 项目支持 vue3 介绍](
## 1.1.5(2021-05-12)
- 新增 组件示例地址
## 1.1.4(2021-02-05)
- 调整为uni_modules目录规范
<text class="uni-icons" :style="styleObj">
import { fontData, IconsDataItem } from './uniicons_file'
* Icons 图标
* @description 用于展示 icon 图标
* @tutorial
* @property {Number} size 图标大小
* @property {String} type 图标图案,参考示例
* @property {String} color 图标颜色
* @property {String} customPrefix 自定义图标
* @event {Function} click 点击 Icon 触发事件
export default {
name: "uni-icons",
props: {
type: {
type: String,
default: ''
color: {
type: String,
default: '#333333'
size: {
type: Object,
default: 16
fontFamily: {
type: String,
default: ''
data() {
return {};
computed: {
unicode() : string {
let codes = fontData.find((item : IconsDataItem) : boolean => { return item.font_class == this.type })
if (codes !== null) {
return codes.unicode
return ''
iconSize() : string {
const size = this.size
if (typeof size == 'string') {
const reg = /^[0-9]*$/g
return reg.test(size as string) ? '' + size + 'px' : '' + size;
// return '' + this.size
return this.getFontSize(size as number)
styleObj() : UTSJSONObject {
if (this.fontFamily !== '') {
return { color: this.color, fontSize: this.iconSize, fontFamily: this.fontFamily }
return { color: this.color, fontSize: this.iconSize }
created() { },
methods: {
* 字体大小
getFontSize(size : number) : string {
return size + 'px';
<style scoped>
@font-face {
font-family: UniIconsFontFamily;
src: url('./uniicons.ttf');
.uni-icons {
font-family: UniIconsFontFamily;
font-size: 18px;
font-style: normal;
color: #333;
<!-- #ifdef APP-NVUE -->
<text :style="styleObj" class="uni-icons" @click="_onClick">{{unicode}}</text>
<!-- #endif -->
<!-- #ifndef APP-NVUE -->
<text :style="styleObj" class="uni-icons" :class="['uniui-'+type,customPrefix,customPrefix?type:'']" @click="_onClick">
<!-- #endif -->
import { fontData } from './uniicons_file_vue.js';
const getVal = (val) => {
const reg = /^[0-9]*$/g
return (typeof val === 'number' || reg.test(val)) ? val + 'px' : val;
// #ifdef APP-NVUE
var domModule = weex.requireModule('dom');
import iconUrl from './uniicons.ttf'
domModule.addRule('fontFace', {
'fontFamily': "uniicons",
'src': "url('" + iconUrl + "')"
// #endif
* Icons 图标
* @description 用于展示 icons 图标
* @tutorial
* @property {Number} size 图标大小
* @property {String} type 图标图案,参考示例
* @property {String} color 图标颜色
* @property {String} customPrefix 自定义图标
* @event {Function} click 点击 Icon 触发事件
export default {
name: 'UniIcons',
emits: ['click'],
props: {
type: {
type: String,
default: ''
color: {
type: String,
default: '#333333'
size: {
type: [Number, String],
default: 16
customPrefix: {
type: String,
default: ''
fontFamily: {
type: String,
default: ''
data() {
return {
icons: fontData
computed: {
unicode() {
let code = this.icons.find(v => v.font_class === this.type)
if (code) {
return code.unicode
return ''
iconSize() {
return getVal(this.size)
styleObj() {
if (this.fontFamily !== '') {
return `color: ${this.color}; font-size: ${this.iconSize}; font-family: ${this.fontFamily};`
return `color: ${this.color}; font-size: ${this.iconSize};`
methods: {
_onClick() {
<style lang="scss">
/* #ifndef APP-NVUE */
@import './uniicons.css';
@font-face {
font-family: uniicons;
src: url('./uniicons.ttf');
/* #endif */
.uni-icons {
font-family: uniicons;
text-decoration: none;
text-align: center;
.uniui-cart-filled:before {
content: "\e6d0";
.uniui-gift-filled:before {
content: "\e6c4";
.uniui-color:before {
content: "\e6cf";
.uniui-wallet:before {
content: "\e6b1";
.uniui-settings-filled:before {
content: "\e6ce";
.uniui-auth-filled:before {
content: "\e6cc";
.uniui-shop-filled:before {
content: "\e6cd";
.uniui-staff-filled:before {
content: "\e6cb";
.uniui-vip-filled:before {
content: "\e6c6";
.uniui-plus-filled:before {
content: "\e6c7";
.uniui-folder-add-filled:before {
content: "\e6c8";
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content: "\e6c9";
.uniui-tune-filled:before {
content: "\e6ca";
.uniui-calendar-filled:before {
content: "\e6c0";
.uniui-notification-filled:before {
content: "\e6c1";
.uniui-wallet-filled:before {
content: "\e6c2";
.uniui-medal-filled:before {
content: "\e6c3";
.uniui-fire-filled:before {
content: "\e6c5";
.uniui-refreshempty:before {
content: "\e6bf";
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content: "\e6af";
.uniui-person-filled:before {
content: "\e69d";
.uniui-personadd-filled:before {
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.uniui-arrowthinup:before {
content: "\e6d3";
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content: "\e6d4";
.uniui-back:before {
content: "\e6b9";
.uniui-forward:before {
content: "\e6ba";
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content: "\e6bb";
.uniui-arrow-left:before {
content: "\e6bc";
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content: "\e6bd";
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content: "\e6be";
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content: "\e6d1";
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content: "\e6b8";
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content: "\e6b8";
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content: "\e6d5";
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content: "\e6b5";
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content: "\e6b6";
.uniui-top:before {
content: "\e6b6";
.uniui-left:before {
content: "\e6b7";
.uniui-arrowup:before {
content: "\e6d6";
.uniui-eye:before {
content: "\e651";
.uniui-eye-filled:before {
content: "\e66a";
.uniui-eye-slash:before {
content: "\e6b3";
.uniui-eye-slash-filled:before {
content: "\e6b4";
.uniui-info-filled:before {
content: "\e649";
.uniui-reload:before {
content: "\e6b2";
.uniui-micoff-filled:before {
content: "\e6b0";
.uniui-map-pin-ellipse:before {
content: "\e6ac";
.uniui-map-pin:before {
content: "\e6ad";
.uniui-location:before {
content: "\e6ae";
.uniui-starhalf:before {
content: "\e683";
.uniui-star:before {
content: "\e688";
.uniui-star-filled:before {
content: "\e68f";
.uniui-calendar:before {
content: "\e6a0";
.uniui-fire:before {
content: "\e6a1";
.uniui-medal:before {
content: "\e6a2";
.uniui-font:before {
content: "\e6a3";
.uniui-gift:before {
content: "\e6a4";
.uniui-link:before {
content: "\e6a5";
.uniui-notification:before {
content: "\e6a6";
.uniui-staff:before {
content: "\e6a7";
.uniui-vip:before {
content: "\e6a8";
.uniui-folder-add:before {
content: "\e6a9";
.uniui-tune:before {
content: "\e6aa";
.uniui-auth:before {
content: "\e6ab";
.uniui-person:before {
content: "\e699";
.uniui-email-filled:before {
content: "\e69a";
.uniui-phone-filled:before {
content: "\e69b";
.uniui-phone:before {
content: "\e69c";
.uniui-email:before {
content: "\e69e";
.uniui-personadd:before {
content: "\e69f";
.uniui-chatboxes-filled:before {
content: "\e692";
.uniui-contact:before {
content: "\e693";
.uniui-chatbubble-filled:before {
content: "\e694";
.uniui-contact-filled:before {
content: "\e695";
.uniui-chatboxes:before {
content: "\e696";
.uniui-chatbubble:before {
content: "\e697";
.uniui-upload-filled:before {
content: "\e68e";
.uniui-upload:before {
content: "\e690";
.uniui-weixin:before {
content: "\e691";
.uniui-compose:before {
content: "\e67f";
.uniui-qq:before {
content: "\e680";
.uniui-download-filled:before {
content: "\e681";
.uniui-pyq:before {
content: "\e682";
.uniui-sound:before {
content: "\e684";
.uniui-trash-filled:before {
content: "\e685";
.uniui-sound-filled:before {
content: "\e686";
.uniui-trash:before {
content: "\e687";
.uniui-videocam-filled:before {
content: "\e689";
.uniui-spinner-cycle:before {
content: "\e68a";
.uniui-weibo:before {
content: "\e68b";
.uniui-videocam:before {
content: "\e68c";
.uniui-download:before {
content: "\e68d";
.uniui-help:before {
content: "\e679";
.uniui-navigate-filled:before {
content: "\e67a";
.uniui-plusempty:before {
content: "\e67b";
.uniui-smallcircle:before {
content: "\e67c";
.uniui-minus-filled:before {
content: "\e67d";
.uniui-micoff:before {
content: "\e67e";
.uniui-closeempty:before {
content: "\e66c";
.uniui-clear:before {
content: "\e66d";
.uniui-navigate:before {
content: "\e66e";
.uniui-minus:before {
content: "\e66f";
.uniui-image:before {
content: "\e670";
.uniui-mic:before {
content: "\e671";
.uniui-paperplane:before {
content: "\e672";
.uniui-close:before {
content: "\e673";
.uniui-help-filled:before {
content: "\e674";
.uniui-paperplane-filled:before {
content: "\e675";
.uniui-plus:before {
content: "\e676";
.uniui-mic-filled:before {
content: "\e677";
.uniui-image-filled:before {
content: "\e678";
.uniui-locked-filled:before {
content: "\e668";
.uniui-info:before {
content: "\e669";
.uniui-locked:before {
content: "\e66b";
.uniui-camera-filled:before {
content: "\e658";
.uniui-chat-filled:before {
content: "\e659";
.uniui-camera:before {
content: "\e65a";
.uniui-circle:before {
content: "\e65b";
.uniui-checkmarkempty:before {
content: "\e65c";
.uniui-chat:before {
content: "\e65d";
.uniui-circle-filled:before {
content: "\e65e";
.uniui-flag:before {
content: "\e65f";
.uniui-flag-filled:before {
content: "\e660";
.uniui-gear-filled:before {
content: "\e661";
.uniui-home:before {
content: "\e662";
.uniui-home-filled:before {
content: "\e663";
.uniui-gear:before {
content: "\e664";
.uniui-smallcircle-filled:before {
content: "\e665";
.uniui-map-filled:before {
content: "\e666";
.uniui-map:before {
content: "\e667";
.uniui-refresh-filled:before {
content: "\e656";
.uniui-refresh:before {
content: "\e657";
.uniui-cloud-upload:before {
content: "\e645";
.uniui-cloud-download-filled:before {
content: "\e646";
.uniui-cloud-download:before {
content: "\e647";
.uniui-cloud-upload-filled:before {
content: "\e648";
.uniui-redo:before {
content: "\e64a";
.uniui-images-filled:before {
content: "\e64b";
.uniui-undo-filled:before {
content: "\e64c";
.uniui-more:before {
content: "\e64d";
.uniui-more-filled:before {
content: "\e64e";
.uniui-undo:before {
content: "\e64f";
.uniui-images:before {
content: "\e650";
.uniui-paperclip:before {
content: "\e652";
.uniui-settings:before {
content: "\e653";
.uniui-search:before {
content: "\e654";
.uniui-redo-filled:before {
content: "\e655";
.uniui-list:before {
content: "\e644";
.uniui-mail-open-filled:before {
content: "\e63a";
.uniui-hand-down-filled:before {
content: "\e63c";
.uniui-hand-down:before {
content: "\e63d";
.uniui-hand-up-filled:before {
content: "\e63e";
.uniui-hand-up:before {
content: "\e63f";
.uniui-heart-filled:before {
content: "\e641";
.uniui-mail-open:before {
content: "\e643";
.uniui-heart:before {
content: "\e639";
.uniui-loop:before {
content: "\e633";
.uniui-pulldown:before {
content: "\e632";
.uniui-scan:before {
content: "\e62a";
.uniui-bars:before {
content: "\e627";
.uniui-checkbox:before {
content: "\e62b";
.uniui-checkbox-filled:before {
content: "\e62c";
.uniui-shop:before {
content: "\e62f";
.uniui-headphones:before {
content: "\e630";
.uniui-cart:before {
content: "\e631";
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
## Icons 图标
> **组件名:uni-icons**
> 代码块: `uIcons`
用于展示 icons 图标 。
### [查看文档](
#### 如使用过程中有任何问题,或者您对uni-ui有一些好的建议,欢迎加入 uni-ui 交流群:871950839
## 1.0.3(2022-01-21)
- 优化 组件示例
## 1.0.2(2021-11-22)
- 修复 / 符号在 vue 不同版本兼容问题引起的报错问题
## 1.0.1(2021-11-22)
- 修复 vue3中scss语法兼容问题
## 1.0.0(2021-11-18)
- init
@import './styles/index.scss';
This diff is collapsed.
`uni-sass``uni-ui`提供的一套全局样式 ,通过一些简单的类名和`sass`变量,实现简单的页面布局操作,比如颜色、边距、圆角等。
### [查看文档](
#### 如使用过程中有任何问题,或者您对uni-ui有一些好的建议,欢迎加入 uni-ui 交流群:871950839
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@import './setting/_variables.scss';
@import './setting/_border.scss';
@import './setting/_color.scss';
@import './setting/_space.scss';
@import './setting/_radius.scss';
@import './setting/_text.scss';
@import './setting/_styles.scss';
.uni-border {
border: 1px $uni-border-1 solid;
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This diff is collapsed.
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This diff is collapsed.
@mixin get-styles($k,$c) {
@if $k == size or $k == weight{
@each $key, $child in $uni-headings {
/* #ifndef APP-NVUE */
.uni-#{$key} {
@each $k, $c in $child {
@include get-styles($k,$c)
/* #endif */
/* #ifdef APP-NVUE */
.container .uni-#{$key} {
@each $k, $c in $child {
@include get-styles($k,$c)
/* #endif */
This diff is collapsed.
// 合并 map
@function map-deep-merge($parent-map, $child-map){
$result: $parent-map;
@each $key, $child in $child-map {
$parent-has-key: map-has-key($result, $key);
$parent-value: map-get($result, $key);
$parent-type: type-of($parent-value);
$child-type: type-of($child);
$parent-is-map: $parent-type == map;
$child-is-map: $child-type == map;
@if (not $parent-has-key) or ($parent-type != $child-type) or (not ($parent-is-map and $child-is-map)){
$result: map-merge($result, ( $key: $child ));
}@else {
$result: map-merge($result, ( $key: map-deep-merge($parent-value, $child) ));
@return $result;
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This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
"filter-dropdown.reset": "Reset",
"": "Search",
"filter-dropdown.submit": "Submit",
"filter-dropdown.filter": "Filter",
"": "Greater or equal to",
"": "Less than or equal to",
"": "Date"
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
Markdown is supported
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