Commit b04c5587 authored by qipeng's avatar qipeng


parent cdb945d7
<template> <template>
<view class="productBigBox"> <view class="productBigBox">
<!--头部点击选择类型--> <view class="product-SearchBox">
<view class="order-search"> <!--头部切换-->
<view class="search-list" :class="orderStatus===''?'search-listAct':''" @click="screenChange('')"> <view class="product-orderState">
全部 <view class="orderState-click" :class="orderStatus===''?'orderState-clickAct':''" @click="screenChange('')">
<view class="list-line"></view> 全部
</view> <view class="click-line">
<view class="search-list" :class="orderStatus==='0'?'search-listAct':''" @click="screenChange('0')"> <text></text>
待付款 </view>
<view class="list-line"></view> </view>
</view> <view class="orderState-click" :class="orderStatus==='0'?'orderState-clickAct':''" @click="screenChange('0')">
<view class="search-list" :class="orderStatus==='2'?'search-listAct':''" @click="screenChange('2')"> 待付款
待使用 <view class="click-line">
<view class="list-line"></view> <text></text>
</view> </view>
<!--暂无包邮--> </view>
<view class="search-list" :class="orderStatus==='3'?'search-listAct':''" @click="screenChange('3')" style="display: none;"> <view class="orderState-click" :class="orderStatus=='2'?'orderState-clickAct':''" @click="screenChange('2')">
待收货 待使用
<view class="list-line"></view> <view class="click-line">
</view> <text></text>
<view class="search-list" :class="orderStatus==='5'?'search-listAct':''" @click="screenChange('5')"> </view>
待评价 </view>
<view class="list-line"></view> <view class="orderState-click" :class="orderStatus=='3'?'orderState-clickAct':''" @click="screenChange('3')">
</view> 待收货
</view> <view class="click-line">
<!--头部搜索 手机号--> <text></text>
<view class="order-phoneSearch"> </view>
<view class="phoneSearch-type" @click="show = true"> </view>
<u-picker :show="show" :columns="columns" visibleItemCount="6" itemHeight="80" keyName="label" @confirm="addressFun" @cancel="show=false" ></u-picker> <view class="orderState-click" :class="orderStatus=='5'?'orderState-clickAct':''" @click="screenChange('5')">
<view class="type-boxOn"> 待评价
{{showAddress}} <view class="click-line">
<view class="address-triangle"></view> <text></text>
</view> </view>
</view> </view>
<u-search placeholder="搜索手机号" v-model="phoneNum" shape="round" :showAction="false" :clearabled="true"></u-search> </view>
</view> <!--查询-->
<!--身体列表--> <view class="product-searchBt">
<template v-if="lists.length>0"><!--判断是否有数--> <view class="searchBt-left" @click="orderShow=true">
<template v-for="(item,index) in lists"> <text>{{orderName}}</text>
<view class="order-list" :key="index" v-if="item.showList" @click="orderJump(,item.orderType)"> <u-icon v-if="orderShow==false" name="arrow-down" color="#333333" size="20"></u-icon>
<view class="list-title"> <u-icon v-else name="arrow-up" color="#333333" size="20"></u-icon>
<view class="title-left"> <u-picker mode="selector" :show="orderShow" :default-selector="[orderType]" :columns="option" keyName="cateName" @confirm="industrysTypeConfirm($event)" @cancel="cancel"></u-picker>
<image v-if="item.orderType==1" src="../../static/orderList/iconjingqumenpiao.png"></image> </view>
<image v-else-if="item.orderType==2" src="../../static/orderList/iconjiudian.png"></image>
<image v-else-if="item.orderType==3" src="../../static/orderList/iconcanyin.png"></image> <text @click="showQueryPhone()">手机查询</text>
<image v-else-if="item.orderType==4" src="../../static/orderList/iconliwu1.png"></image> </view>
<image v-else-if="item.orderType==5" src="../../static/orderList/iconchuzuche.png"></image> </view>
<image v-else-if="item.orderType==10" src="../../static/orderList/iconzuhe.png"></image> <!--手机查询遮罩-->
<image v-else src="../../static/orderList/iconqita.png"></image> <u-popup mode="bottom" :show="phoneQuery">
<view>门票</view> <view class="content">
</view> <view class="content-title">
<view class="title-right" v-if="item.orderType!=10&&item.orderType!=0"> 订单查询
<template v-if="item.orderType==1&&item.subOrderType!=4"> <u-icon name="close" color="#333333" size="28" @click="phoneQuery=false"></u-icon>
{{item.orderStatus|orderStatus1}} </view>
</template> <view class="content-list">
<template v-else-if="item.orderType==2&&item.subOrderType!=4"> <text class="list-name">手机号码</text>
{{item.orderStatus|orderStatus2}} <text class="list-name2"></text>
</template> <input class="uni-input" v-model.trim="touristPhone" />
<template v-else-if="item.orderType==3&&item.subOrderType!=4"> </view>
{{item.orderStatus|orderStatus3}} <view class="content-list">
</template> <text class="list-name">姓名</text>
<template v-else-if="item.orderType==4&&item.subOrderType!=4"> <text class="list-name2"></text>
{{item.orderStatus|orderStatus4}} <input class="uni-input" v-model.trim="touristName" />
</template> </view>
<template v-else> <view class="confrim-btn">
{{item.orderStatus|orderStatus5}} <u-button @click="queryPhoneOrder()">查询</u-button>
</template> </view>
</view> </view>
</view> </u-popup>
<view class="list-name">{{item.merchantName}}({{item.productName}})</view> <!--列表-->
<view class="list-time"> <view class="product-goods" v-if="lists.length>0">
{{item.playDate.substr(0,10)}} 有效· <template v-for="(item,index) in lists">
<template v-if="item.orderType==1&&item.subOrderType!=4">{{item.orderNum}}</template> <view class="product-block" :key="index" v-if="item.showList" @click="orderJump(,item.orderType)">
<template v-else-if="item.orderType==2&&item.subOrderType!=4">{{item.orderNum}}</template> <view class="block-title">
<template v-else-if="item.orderType==3&&item.subOrderType!=4">{{item.orderNum}}</template> <view class="title-left">
<template v-else-if="item.orderType==4&&item.subOrderType!=4">{{item.orderNum}}</template> <view class="left-imgBox" v-if="item.orderType==1">
<template v-else-if="item.orderType==10&&item.subOrderType!=4">{{item.orderNum}}</template> <image class="left-img" src="../../static/orderList/iconjingqumenpiao.png"></image>
<template v-else>{{item.orderNum}}</template> </view>
</view> <view class="left-imgBox" v-else-if="item.orderType==2">
<view class="list-tips">凭「胖丁动态二维码」直接验证使用</view> <image class="left-img" src="../../static/orderList/iconjiudian.png"></image>
<view class="list-money">¥{{item.totalMoney}}</view> </view>
<view class="list-btn"> <view class="left-imgBox" v-else-if="item.orderType==3">
<view class="btn-style">下载照片</view> <image class="left-img" src="../../static/orderList/iconcanyin.png"></image>
<view class="btn-style">导航取片</view> </view>
</view> <view class="left-imgBox" v-else-if="item.orderType==4">
</view> <image class="left-img" src="../../static/orderList/iconliwu1.png"></image>
</template> </view>
<view class="goods-NoMore" v-if="dataLengthType==true">暂无更多数据</view> <view class="left-imgBox" v-else-if="item.orderType==5">
</template> <image class="left-img" src="../../static/orderList/iconchuzuche.png"></image>
<view class="order-No" v-else>暂无订单信息</view> </view>
</view> <view class="left-imgBox" v-else-if="item.orderType==10">
</template> <image class="left-img" src="../../static/orderList/iconzuhe.png"></image>
<script> <view class="left-imgBox" v-else>
<image class="left-img" src="../../static/orderList/iconqita.png"></image>
export default { </view>
filters:{ <text class="left-Name">{{item.merchantName}}({{item.productName}})</text>
orderType(i){//订单类型 </view>
switch(i){ <view class="title-right" v-if="item.orderType!=0">
case 0: <template v-if="item.orderType==1&&item.subOrderType!=4">
return '其他' {{item.orderStatus|orderStatus1}}
break </template>
case 1: <template v-else-if="item.orderType==10&&item.subOrderType!=4">
return '景区' {{item.orderStatus|orderStatus1}}
break </template>
case 2: <template v-else-if="item.orderType==2&&item.subOrderType!=4">
return '酒店' {{item.orderStatus|orderStatus2}}
break </template>
case 3: <template v-else-if="item.orderType==3&&item.subOrderType!=4">
return '餐饮' {{item.orderStatus|orderStatus3}}
break </template>
case 4: <template v-else-if="item.orderType==4&&item.subOrderType!=4">
return '特产' {{item.orderStatus|orderStatus4}}
case 5: </template>
return '运营车' <template v-else>
case 10: {{item.orderStatus|orderStatus5}}
return '组合订单' </template>
} </view>
}, </view>
orderStatus1(i){//景区订单状态 <view class="block-main">
switch(i){ <view class="mian-InfoWrap">
case 0: <view class="InfoWrap-mb30">订单时间:{{item.playDate.substr(0,10)}}</view>
return '待支付' <view>
break 购买数量:
case 1: <template v-if="item.orderType==1&&item.subOrderType!=4">{{item.orderNum}}</template>
return '出票中' <template v-else-if="item.orderType==2&&item.subOrderType!=4">{{item.orderNum}}</template>
break <template v-else-if="item.orderType==3&&item.subOrderType!=4">{{item.orderNum}}</template>
case 2: <template v-else-if="item.orderType==4&&item.subOrderType!=4">{{item.orderNum}}</template>
return '出票成功' <template v-else-if="item.orderType==10&&item.subOrderType!=4">{{item.orderNum}}</template>
break <template v-else>{{item.orderNum}}</template>
case 3: </view>
return '预定失败' <view class="allPice">
break <text>¥</text>{{item.totalMoney}}
case 4: </view>
return '核销中' </view>
break <view class="main-right">
case 5: <u-icon name="arrow-right" color="#333333" size="28"></u-icon>
return '核销完成' </view>
break </view>
case 6: <view class="block-Btn">
return '退款中' <view class="block-button" @click.stop="operation(item,index)" v-if="item.orderStatus==9||item.orderStatus==10">删除</view>
break <view class="block-button" @click.stop="operation(item,index)" v-if="item.orderStatus==0">取消订单</view>
case 7: <template v-if="item.orderType==4"><!--特产-->
return '部分退货/退款' <view class="block-button" v-if="item.orderStatus==1||item.orderStatus==2||item.orderStatus==4||item.orderStatus==5||item.orderStatus==10" @click.stop="orderJump(,item.orderType)">查看详情</view>
break <view class="block-button" v-if="item.orderStatus==2||item.orderStatus==4||item.orderStatus==5||item.orderStatus==10">查看物流</view>
case 8: <!-- <view class="block-button" v-if="item.orderStatus==5">评价</view> -->
return '全部退款退货 ' </template>
break <template v-else>
case 9: <template v-if="item.subOrderType!=4">
return '取消 ' <view class="block-button" v-if="item.orderStatus==1||item.orderStatus==2||item.orderStatus==4||item.orderStatus==5||item.orderStatus==10" @click.stop="orderJump(,item.orderType)">{{item.orderStatus==2?'去使用':'查看详情'}}</view>
break </template>
case 10: <view class="block-button" v-if="item.orderStatus==2&&item.isRefund!=0&&item.isRefund!=3||item.orderStatus==7&&item.isRefund!=0&&item.isRefund!=3" @click.stop="refundJump(">退款/售后</view>
return '已完成 ' <!-- <view class="block-button" v-if="item.orderStatus==5">评价</view> -->
break </template>
case 11: <view class="block-button block-buttonOrange" v-if="item.orderStatus==0">去支付</view>
return '已过期 ' </view>
break </view>
case 12: </template>
return '退票审核中 ' <view class="goods-NoMore" v-if="dataLengthType==true">暂无更多数据</view>
break </view>
} <view class="product-goods" v-else>
}, <view class="order-No">暂无订单信息</view>
orderStatus2(i){//酒店订单状态 </view>
switch(i){ <!-- <u-toast ref="uToast" /> -->
case 0: <u-modal :show="configShow" show-cancel-button="true" :content="configTitle" @confirm="operationEnter()" @cancel="operationClose()"></u-modal>
return '待支付' </view>
break </template>
case 1:
return '确认中' <script>
break // import uPicker from '@/uview-ui/components/u-picker/u-picker.vue'
case 2: // import uPopup from '@/uview-ui/components/u-popup/u-popup.vue'
return '预定成功' // import uToast from '@/uview-ui/components/u-toast/u-toast.vue'
break // import uModal from '@/uview-ui/components/u-modal/u-modal.vue'
case 3: export default {
return '预定失败' filters:{
break orderType(i){//订单类型
case 4: switch(i){
return '核销中' case 0:
break return '其他'
case 5: break
return '待评价' case 1:
break return '景区'
case 6: break
return '退款中' case 2:
break return '酒店'
case 7: break
return '部分退货/退款' case 3:
break return '餐饮'
case 8: break
return '全部退款退货 ' case 4:
break return '特产'
case 9: case 5:
return '取消 ' return '运营车'
break case 10:
case 10: return '组合订单'
return '已完成 ' }
break },
case 11: orderStatus1(i){//景区订单状态
return '已过期 ' switch(i){
break case 0:
} return '待支付'
}, break
orderStatus3(i){//餐饮订单状态 case 1:
switch(i){ return '出票中'
case 0: break
return '待支付' case 2:
break return '出票成功'
case 1: break
return '确认中' case 3:
break return '预定失败'
case 2: break
return '预定成功' case 4:
break return '核销中'
case 3: break
return '预定失败' case 5:
break return '核销完成'
case 4: break
return '核销中' case 6:
break return '退款中'
case 5: break
return '待评价' case 7:
break return '部分退货/退款'
case 6: break
return '退款中' case 8:
break return '全部退款退货 '
case 7: break
return '部分退货/退款' case 9:
break return '取消 '
case 8: break
return '全部退款退货 ' case 10:
break return '已完成 '
case 9: break
return '取消 ' case 11:
break return '已过期 '
case 10: break
return '已完成 ' case 12:
break return '退票审核中 '
case 11: break
return '已过期 ' }
break },
} orderStatus2(i){//酒店订单状态
}, switch(i){
orderStatus4(i){//特产状态 case 0:
switch(i){ return '待支付'
case 0: break
return '待支付' case 1:
break return '确认中'
case 1: break
return '待发货' case 2:
break return '预定成功'
case 2: break
return '待收货' case 3:
break return '预定失败'
case 3: break
return '预定失败' case 4:
break return '核销中'
case 4: break
return '核销中' case 5:
break return '待评价'
case 5: break
return '已收货' case 6:
break return '退款中'
case 6: break
return '退款中' case 7:
break return '部分退货/退款'
case 7: break
return '部分退货/退款' case 8:
break return '全部退款退货 '
case 8: break
return '全部退款退货 ' case 9:
break return '取消 '
case 9: break
return '取消 ' case 10:
break return '已完成 '
case 10: break
return '已完成 ' case 11:
break return '已过期 '
case 11: break
return '已过期 ' }
break },
} orderStatus3(i){//餐饮订单状态
}, switch(i){
orderStatus5(i){ case 0:
switch(i){ return '待支付'
case 0: break
return '待支付' case 1:
break return '确认中'
case 1: break
return '确认中' case 2:
break return '预定成功'
case 2: break
return '支付成功' case 3:
break return '预定失败'
case 3: break
return '预定失败' case 4:
break return '核销中'
case 4: break
return '核销中' case 5:
break return '待评价'
case 5: break
return '待评价' case 6:
break return '退款中'
case 6: break
return '退款中' case 7:
break return '部分退货/退款'
case 7: break
return '部分退货/退款' case 8:
break return '全部退款退货 '
case 8: break
return '全部退款退货 ' case 9:
break return '取消 '
case 9: break
return '取消 ' case 10:
break return '已完成 '
case 10: break
return '已完成 ' case 11:
break return '已过期 '
case 11: break
return '已过期 ' }
break },
} orderStatus4(i){//特产状态
} switch(i){
}, case 0:
components: { return '待支付'
}, case 1:
data() { return '待发货'
return { break
//顶部参数 case 2:
orderStatus:'',//头部类型选择 return '待收货'
//手机搜索 break
show: false,//遮罩显隐---项目 case 3:
columns: [//遮罩列表---项目 return '预定失败'
[ break
{label: '类型',id: ''}, case 4:
{label: '全部',id: 0}, return '核销中'
{label: '景区',id: 1}, break
{label: '酒店',id: 2}, case 5:
{label: '餐饮',id: 3}, return '已收货'
{label: '特产',id: 4}, break
// {label: '运营车',id: 5}, case 6:
// {label: '组合订单',id: 10}, return '退款中'
] break
], case 7:
showAddress:'类型',//显示内容---项目 return '部分退货/退款'
phoneNum:'',//搜索手机号 break
//主数据分区 case 8:
lists:[],//数据 return '全部退款退货 '
//分页 break
isTrue:true,//截留 防止重复加载 case 9:
pageIndex:1,//当前页 return '取消 '
pageTotal:0,//总条数 break
//定时请求 case 10:
timerOutClear:null, return '已完成 '
//其他 break
ifyukuaiCode:'',//渝快付 case 11:
dataLengthType:false,//上拉加载无更多数据时显示 return '已过期 '
} break
}, }
onLoad(option) { },
this.openId = uni.getStorageSync('openid') orderStatus5(i){
this.openId = 'oh2UV1lyYABHMZ1rMlgjhVHyyYDQ'//oh2UV1lyYABHMZ1rMlgjhVHyyYDQ oroHZ5FaUQ_SOOC_uQQP92fJpBRE switch(i){
this.orderStatus = option.orderStatus||'' case 0:
this.ifyukuaiCode = option.ifyukuaiCode||'' return '待支付'
this.getData() break
}, case 1:
onShow(){ return '确认中'
this.pageIndex = 1 break
this.lists = [] //主要数据存储 case 2:
this.getData() return '支付成功'
}, break
onReachBottom(){//上拉加载 case 3:
this.pageIndex++ return '预定失败'
this.getData() break
}, case 4:
onUnload() { return '核销中'
if(this.timerOutClear) { break
clearTimeout(this.timerOutClear) case 5:
this.timerOutClear = null return '待评价'
} break
//隐藏加载框 case 6:
uni.hideLoading() return '退款中'
}, break
methods: { case 7:
screenChange(i){//顶部导航切换 return '部分退货/退款'
this.orderStatus = i //当前选择的数字 break
this.pageIndex = 1 //页码 case 8:
this.pageTotal = 0 //总数 return '全部退款退货 '
this.isTrue = true //是否同意请求 break
this.lists = [] //主要数据存储 case 9:
this.getData() return '取消 '
}, break
addressFun(e){//项目选择 case 10:
this.showAddress = e.value[0].label return '已完成 ' break
}, case 11:
getData(){//数据加载 return '已过期 '
//显示加载框 break
uni.showLoading({ }
title: '加载中' }
}) },
if(this.isTrue){ components: {
this.isTrue = false // uPicker,
var data = {} // uPopup,
if(this.orderStatus=='2'){//点击的待使用 // uToast,
var orderStatusList=[2,4,5] // uModal
data={ },
pageIndex:this.pageIndex, data() {
pageSize:20, return {
orderType:this.orderType==0?'':this.orderType, queryLoad:false,//查询加载图标显示隐藏
orderStatusList :orderStatusList, phoneQuery:false,//手机查询显示隐藏
userId:this.openId touristPhone:'',//旅客电话
} touristName:'',//旅客姓名
}else{ orderStatus:'',//订单状态
data={ nodataShow:false,//没有数据时展示
pageIndex:this.pageIndex, lists:[],//数据
pageSize:20, orderType:0,//筛选 //1景区,2酒店,3餐饮,4特产,5运营车,10组合订单
orderType:this.orderType==0?'':this.orderType, orderName:'全部',//筛选 //1景区,2酒店,3餐饮,4特产,5运营车,10组合订单
orderStatus:this.orderStatus=='3'?2:parseFloat(this.orderStatus), orderShow:false,
userId:this.openId option: [[
} { cateName: '全部', id: 0 },
} { cateName: '景区', id: 1 },
this.$request('order/userOrder/findOrderList',data) { cateName: '酒店', id: 2 },
.then((res)=>{ { cateName: '餐饮', id: 3 },
if(res.code=='00'){ { cateName: '特产', id: 4 },
if(>0){ // { cateName: '运营车', id: 5 },
this.dataLengthType = true // { cateName: '组合订单', id: 10 },
}else{ ]],
this.dataLengthType = false isTrue:true,//截留 防止重复加载
} pageIndex:1,//当前页>{ pageTotal:0,//总条数
if(this.orderStatus=='0'){////待付款的订单 pid 不能空的不显示 configShow:false,//删除订单确认框
if({ configTitle:'',//弹窗title
operationItem:null,//操作项的数据 删除和取消订单
}else{ operationIndex:null,//操作下标
this.lists.push(item) callbackurl:'',//回调页面
} ifNotice:'',//是否通知
}else if(this.orderStatus=='2'){//待评价和待使用不能显示组合订单 openId:'',
if(item.orderType!=10&&item.orderType!=4){ ifyukuaiCode:'',//渝快付
this.lists.push(item) dataLengthType:false,//上拉加载无更多数据时显示
} timerOutClear:null,
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this.lists.push(item) onLoad(option) {
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title: '暂无订单信息', this.orderShow = false
icon: 'none' },
}) showQueryPhone(){//展示手机查询弹窗
} this.touristPhone=''
}) this.touristName=''
.catch((err)=>{ this.phoneQuery=true
this.timerOutClear = setTimeout(()=>{ },
this.getData() queryPhoneOrder(){//通过手机号查看订单
}) uni.showToast({
} title: '请填写正确的手机号码',
icon: 'none'
}, })
orderJump(orderId,orderType){//-------------------订单详情跳转 return
if(orderType==11||orderType==12){ }
uni.navigateTo({ if(this.touristName==''){
url: '/pages/album/albumOrderdetail/albumOrderdetail?orderId='+orderId uni.showToast({
}) title: '姓名不可为空',
}else{ icon: 'none'
uni.navigateTo({ })
url: '/pages/my/order/electronicTicket/electronicTicket?orderId='+orderId return
}) }
} let data={
}, touristPhone:this.touristPhone,//旅客电话
refundJump(id){//-------------------退款 touristName:this.touristName,//旅客姓名
uni.navigateTo({ }
url: '/pages/my/order/afterSale/applyAfterSale/applyAfterSale?orderId='+id+'&ifyukuaiCode='+this.ifyukuaiCode this.queryLoad=true
}) this.$request('order/pdOrder/findOrderInfoByPhone',data).then((res)=>{
}, this.queryLoad=false
}, if(res.code=='00'){
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background-color: #fff; },
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font-weight: 600; })
font-size: 28rpx; .then((res)=>{
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