Commit d2fb3be5 authored by qipeng's avatar qipeng


parent bdb4fc14
<view class="albumBox">
<view class="album-address">
<view class="address-left">
<view class="left-name">照片来源</view>
<view class="left-picker" @click="orderShow=true">
<image src="../../../static/img/album/myPhoto01.png"></image>
<u-picker mode="selector" v-model="orderShow" :default-selector="[orderType]" :range="option" range-key="cateName" @confirm="industrysTypeConfirm($event)" @cancel="cancel"></u-picker>
<view class="left-project" :class="[projectCheck==0?'left-projectDe':'']" @click="projectClick(0)" >
<view class="left-project" :class="[projectCheck==1?'left-projectDe':'']" @click="projectClick(1)" >
<view class="address-right" @click="projectMoreFun()">
<u-icon name="more-dot-fill"></u-icon>
<view class="album-addressMore" v-if="projectMoreType==true">
<view class="addressMore-name">长江索道(6)</view>
<view class="addressMore-name">定制旅拍(8)</view>
<view class="album-checkAll">
<u-checkbox v-model="checkProjectAll" >全选</u-checkbox>
<view class="checkAll-tips">未下载影像保留15天</view>
<view class="album-subject">
<view class="subject-List">
<image class="list-image" src="../../../static/img/hghg/dialog.png"></image>
<u-checkbox v-model="checkProjectAll" shape="circle" class="list-uCheck" ></u-checkbox>
<view class="list-mask">预览</view>
<view class="subject-List">
<image class="list-image" src="../../../static/img/hghg/dialog.png"></image>
<u-checkbox v-model="checkProjectAll" shape="circle" class="list-uCheck" ></u-checkbox>
<view class="list-mask">预览</view>
<view class="subject-List">
<image class="list-image" src="../../../static/img/hghg/dialog.png"></image>
<u-checkbox v-model="checkProjectAll" shape="circle" class="list-uCheck" ></u-checkbox>
<view class="list-mask">预览</view>
<view class="subject-List">
<image class="list-image" src="../../../static/img/hghg/dialog.png"></image>
<u-checkbox v-model="checkProjectAll" shape="circle" class="list-uCheck" ></u-checkbox>
<view class="list-mask">预览</view>
<view class="subject-List">
<image class="list-image" src="../../../static/img/hghg/dialog.png"></image>
<u-checkbox v-model="checkProjectAll" shape="circle" class="list-uCheck" ></u-checkbox>
<view class="list-mask">预览</view>
<view class="subject-List">
<image class="list-image" src="../../../static/img/hghg/dialog.png"></image>
<u-checkbox v-model="checkProjectAll" shape="circle" class="list-uCheck" ></u-checkbox>
<view class="list-mask">预览</view>
<view class="album-bottom">
<view class="bottom-left" v-if="maskDetail==false">
<view class="left-oldMoney">¥15.00</view>
<view class="left-newMoney">¥10.00</view>
<view class="left-detail" @click="maskDetail=true">
<u-icon name="arrow-up"></u-icon>
<view class="left-num">1</view>
<view class="left-mask">
<view class="mask-transparent"></view>
<view class="bottom-Detail" v-if="maskDetail==true">
<view class="detail-total">合计:¥8.00</view>
<view class="detail-favorable">优惠减:¥2.00</view>
<view class="bootom-btn">去下载</view>
<view class="album-maskPreview">
<view class="maskPreview-Num">{{previewNum+1}}/{{previewData.length}}</view>
<view class="maskPreview-img" @touchstart="start" @touchend="end" @touchmove="move">
<template v-if="previewData.length==1">
<image class="img-center" :src="previewData[previewNum].src"></image>
<template v-else>
<image class="img-left" v-if="previewNum==0" :src="previewData[previewData.length-1].src"></image>
<image class="img-left" v-else :src="previewData[previewNum-1].src"></image>
<image class="img-center" :style="{'right':touchRight,'left':touchLeft}" :src="previewData[previewNum].src"></image>
<image class="img-right" v-if="previewNum==previewData.length-1" :src="previewData[0].src"></image>
<image class="img-right" v-else :src="previewData[previewNum+1].src"></image>
<view class="maskPreview-check">
<u-checkbox v-model="previewData[previewNum].type" shape="circle" class="maskPreview-Check" ></u-checkbox>
<view class="album-maskDetail" v-if="maskDetail==true">
<view class="maskDetail-content">
<view class="content-title">
<u-icon class="title-close" name="close-circle" @click="maskDetail=false" ></u-icon>
<view class="content-label">我的相片</view>
<view class="content-money">
<view class="money-name">相片</view>
<view class="money-text">1*10.00=10.00</view>
<view class="content-favorable">
<view class="favorable-name">优惠</view>
<view class="favorable-text">-¥2.00</view>
import uPicker from '@/uview-ui/components/u-picker/u-picker.vue'
import uCheckboxGroup from '@/uview-ui/components/u-checkbox-group/u-checkbox-group.vue'
import uCheckbox from '@/uview-ui/components/u-checkbox/u-checkbox'
export default {
components: {
data() {
return {
option: [
{ cateName: '全部', id: 0 },
{ cateName: '景区', id: 1 },
{ cateName: '酒店', id: 2 },
{ cateName: '餐饮', id: 3 },
{ cateName: '特产', id: 4 },
// { cateName: '运营车', id: 5 },
// { cateName: '组合订单', id: 10 },
startData: {
clientX: '',
clientY: '',
touch: {},
//左右滑动 监听结束
onLoad(option) {
methods: {
industrysTypeConfirm(e) {//单列----分类 点击确定 城市
this.cityName = this.option[e].cateName
cancel() {//单列 点击取消
this.orderShow = false
this.projectCheck = num
this.projectMoreType = true
this.projectMoreType = false
// 触摸touch事件
start(e){ //@touchstart 触摸开始
this.transition = '.1s'
this.startData.clientX = e.changedTouches[0].clientX //手指按下时的X坐标
this.startData.clientY = e.changedTouches[0].clientY //手指按下时的Y坐标
end(e){ //@touchend触摸结束
this.transition = '.5s'
if(Math.abs(this.touch.clientX-this.startData.clientX) > 100) { //在事件结束时,判断滑动的距离是否达到出发需要执行事件的要求
// this.touch = {};
} else {
// this.touch = {};
move(event) { //@touchmove触摸移动
let touch = event.touches[0] //滑动过程中,手指滑动的坐标信息 返回的是Objcet对象
this.touch = touch
let data = touch.clientX - this.startData.clientX
if(touch.clientX < this.startData.clientX) { //向左移动
this.touchRight = touch.clientX-this.startData.clientX
if(touch.clientX > this.startData.clientX) { //向右移动
this.touchLeft = touch.clientX-this.startData.clientX
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