	<!-- 商家详情弹窗 -->
	<u-popup :show="showPop" :round="20" @close="showPop=false" closeable>
		<view class="son-wrap">
			<view class="head">
			<view style="flex: 1;overflow-y: scroll;">
				<view v-if="detailData.imgList&&detailData.imgList.length>0">
					<u-swiper :list="detailData.imgList" @change="e => currentNum = e.current" indicatorStyle="right: 20px;bottom:25px" height="400" circular>
							<view slot="indicator" class="indicator-num">
									<text class="indicator-num__text">{{ currentNum + 1 }}/{{ detailData.imgList.length }}</text>
				<view class="middle">
					<!-- 景区介绍 -->
					<view class="introduce">
						<view class="middle-title" v-if="detailData.introduce">
						<!-- <rich-text :nodes="detailData.introduce"></rich-text> -->
						<view v-html="detailData.introduce">
						<view class="middle-title" style="margin-top: 20rpx;">
					<!-- 开放时间 -->
					<view class="opentime">
						<view class="middle-title">开放时间</view>
						<view class="time-list">
							<view v-if="times.length==0">
							<view v-for="(item,index) of times" :key="index" v-else>
								<text v-for="(items,b) of item" :key="b" style="margin-right: 30rpx;">
					<!-- 优待政策 -->
					<view class="policy" v-if="policy">
						<view class="middle-title" style="padding-bottom: 4rpx;">
						<view v-for="(item,index) of policy.contentList" :key="index" style="margin-top: 20rpx;">
					<!--景区设施 -->
					<view class="facilities" v-if="facilities">
						<view class="middle-title" style="padding-bottom: 4rpx;">
						<view class="fac-content" v-for="(item,a) of facilities.merchantChildTitleData" :key="a">
							<text class="fac-left">
							<view class="fac-right">
								<text v-for="(items,b) of item.contentList" :key="b">
					<!-- 出行贴士 -->
					<view class="travelTips" v-if="travelTips" @click="navigation()">
						<view class="middle-title" style="padding-bottom: 4rpx;">
							<text style="margin-right: 10rpx;">{{travelTips.title}}</text>
							<u-icon name='map-fill'></u-icon>
						<view class="travel-content" v-for="(item,a) of travelTips.merchantChildTitleData" :key="a">
							<text class="travel-left">
							<view class="travel-right">
								<text v-for="(items,b) of item.contentList" :key="b">

export default {
  props: ['detailData'],
  data() {
    return {
      showPop: false, //控制弹窗显示隐藏
      times:[], //时间数组
      policy:'', //优待政策列表
      facilities: '', //景区设施
      travelTips: '' //游玩提示
  watch: {
    detailData: {
      handler(newValue, oldValue) {
        if (newValue) {
          this.times = []
          this.policy =''
          this.facilities = ''
          this.travelTips = ''
          if (newValue.merchantTitleData && newValue.merchantTitleData.length > 0) {
            let openTime = ''
            newValue.merchantTitleData.forEach((item) => {
              if (item.titleCode == 'scenic_base_info') {
                item.merchantChildTitleData.forEach((items) => {
                  if (items.childTitleCode == '101001') {
                    openTime = items.contentList
                  if (items.childTitleCode == '101003') {
                    this.policy = items
              if (item.titleCode == 'scenic_facilities') {
                this.facilities = item
              if (item.titleCode == 'scenic_travel_tips') {
                this.travelTips = item
            if (openTime.length > 0) {
              this.times = openTime.map((item) => {
                return item.content.split(';')
      deep: true,
      immediate: true
  methods: {
        success: function () {

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