Commit 7533cb00 authored by yanzg's avatar yanzg


parent 4951ed52
package com.yanzuoguang.util;
import com.yanzuoguang.util.log.Log;
import org.bytedeco.javacpp.avcodec;
import org.bytedeco.javacpp.opencv_core;
import org.bytedeco.javacv.*;
......@@ -20,8 +21,6 @@ import java.util.List;
* @author 颜佐光
public class MediaHelper extends ImageHelper {
private static final String IMAGEMAT = "png";
private static final String ROTATE = "rotate";
* 默认截取视频的中间帧为封面
......@@ -31,99 +30,98 @@ public class MediaHelper extends ImageHelper {
* 从视频文件中获取第一张图片
* @param fromFile 视频文件
* @param toFile 第一帧图片
* @param format 要支持的格式
* @param codeC 视频的格式
* @param size 宽度和高度是否压缩
* @param bitRate 它为新的重新编码的视频流设置比特率值。如果未设置比特率值,编码器将选择默认值。
* 该值应以位/秒表示。在这个例子中,如果你想要一个360kb/s的比特率,你应该调用setBitRate(新整数(360000))。
* @param toFile 转码后保存的文件
* @param parameter 转码后的参数,在转码完成后该参数值会被改变
public static void zipVideoMp4(String fromFile, String toFile, MediaParameter parameter) throws IOException {
// 视频压缩参数初始化
if (parameter == null) {
parameter = new MediaParameter();
convertVideo(fromFile, toFile, parameter);
* 转换成mp4
* @param fromFile
* @param toFile
* @param parameter
public static void convertVideoMp4(String fromFile, String toFile, MediaParameter parameter) throws IOException {
// 视频压缩参数初始化
if (parameter == null) {
parameter = new MediaParameter();
convertVideo(fromFile, toFile, parameter);
* 从视频文件中获取第一张图片
* @param fromFile 视频文件
* @param toFile 转码后保存的文件
* @param parameter 转码后的参数,在转码完成后该参数值会被改变
public static void zipVideo(String fromFile, String toFile,
String format, String codeC,
int width, int height, float sizeZip,
int videoBitRate, float videoBitRateZip,
int videoBitRate, float videoBitRateZip) {
if (size > 1) {
throw new RuntimeException("size请在0~1之间");
public static void convertVideo(String fromFile, String toFile, MediaParameter parameter) throws IOException {
// 视频压缩参数初始化
if (parameter == null) {
parameter = new MediaParameter();
// 源文件判断
File source = new File(fromFile);
if (!source.exists()) {
throw new RuntimeException("视频转码压缩时不存在");
File target = new File(toFile);
if (!target.getParentFile().exists()) {
// 编码方式
Encoder encoder = new Encoder();
MultimediaInfo fromInfo = encoder.getInfo(source);
VideoInfo fromVideo = fromInfo.getVideo();
AudioInfo fromAudio = fromInfo.getAudio();
if (fromAudio == null) {
fromAudio = new AudioInfo();
if (fromVideo == null) {
fromVideo = new VideoInfo();
if (FORMAT_EMPTY.equals(format) || format == null) {
format = fromInfo.getFormat();
if (FORMAT_EMPTY.equals(codeC) || codeC == null) {
codeC = fromVideo.getDecoder();
// 音频编码设置
int toBitRate = fromAudio.getBitRate();
if (toBitRate == -1) {
toBitRate = 64000;
int toChannels = fromAudio.getChannels();
int toSamplingRate = Math.min(22050, fromAudio.getSamplingRate());
AudioAttributes audio = new AudioAttributes();
// 视频编码设置
VideoAttributes video = new VideoAttributes();
// video.setCodec(VideoAttributes.DIRECT_STREAM_COPY);
// video.setTag("DIVX");
int toFrameRate = 15;
// 压缩比特率
// 压缩宽高
VideoSize fromSize = fromVideo.getSize();
int toWidth = (int) (fromSize.getWidth() * size);
int toHeight = (int) (fromSize.getHeight() * size);
VideoSize toSize = new VideoSize(toWidth, toHeight);
video.setSize(toSize);, "%s-%s " +
"原音频:bitRate=%d,channels=%d,samplingRate=%d " +
"新音频:bitRate=%d,channels=%d,samplingRate=%d \n" +
"原视频:width=%d,height=%d,bitRate=%d,frameRate=%d " +
"新视频:width=%d,height=%d,bitRate=%d,frameRate=%d ",
format, codeC,
fromAudio.getBitRate(), fromAudio.getChannels(), fromAudio.getSamplingRate(),
toBitRate, toChannels, toSamplingRate,
fromSize.getWidth(), fromSize.getHeight(), fromVideo.getBitRate(), toFrameRate,
toSize.getWidth(), toSize.getHeight(), bitRate, toFrameRate
// 视频转码编码设置
EncodingAttributes attrs = new EncodingAttributes();
FFmpegFrameGrabber grabber = new FFmpegFrameGrabber(fromFile);
try {
// 设置视频参数
parameter.init(grabber);, "开始转换...源文件:%s 目标文件:%s 旋转参数:%s",
fromFile, toFile, parameter.toString());
// 定义转码工具
FFmpegFrameRecorder recorder = new FFmpegFrameRecorder(
parameter.init(grabber, recorder);
try {
// 开始转换
avcodec.AVPacket packet;
long dts = 0;
while ((packet = grabber.grabPacket()) != null) {
long currentDts = packet.dts();
if (currentDts >= dts) {
dts = currentDts;
} finally {
// 编码器
encoder.encode(source, target, attrs);, "转换完成...源文件:%s 目标文件:%s 旋转参数:%s ",
fromFile, toFile, parameter.toString());
} finally {
......@@ -161,7 +159,7 @@ public class MediaHelper extends ImageHelper {
// 打开视频
// 获取视频的角度
String rotate = ff.getVideoMetadata(ROTATE);
String rotate = ff.getVideoMetadata(MediaParameter.ROTATE);
// 整个视频的长度
int ffLength = ff.getLengthInFrames();
// 取得能够取得的帧数
package com.yanzuoguang.util;
import com.yanzuoguang.util.helper.StringHelper;
import com.yanzuoguang.util.vo.BaseVo;
import io.swagger.annotations.ApiModelProperty;
import org.bytedeco.javacpp.avcodec;
import org.bytedeco.javacpp.avutil;
import org.bytedeco.javacv.FFmpegFrameGrabber;
import org.bytedeco.javacv.FFmpegFrameRecorder;
import static org.bytedeco.javacpp.avcodec.AV_CODEC_ID_NONE;
import static org.bytedeco.javacpp.avutil.AV_PIX_FMT_NONE;
import static org.bytedeco.javacpp.avutil.AV_SAMPLE_FMT_NONE;
* 压缩视频参数
* @author 颜佐光
public class MediaParameter extends BaseVo {
public static final int VIDEO_CODEC_MP4 = avcodec.AV_CODEC_ID_H264;
public static final String VIDEO_FORMAT_MP4 = "mp4";
public static final int VIDEO_FIXED_MP4 = avutil.AV_PIX_FMT_YUV420P;
public static final String ROTATE = "rotate";
* 音频转码后的格式,为空时表示不改变格式
@ApiModelProperty(notes = "音频转码后的格式,为空时表示不改变格式")
private int audioCodec = AV_CODEC_ID_NONE;
* 音频帧速率FrameRate
@ApiModelProperty(notes = "音频转码后的格式,为空时表示不改变格式")
private double audioFrameRate = AV_SAMPLE_FMT_NONE;
* 音频转码的比特率,为0时表示采取原来的值
@ApiModelProperty(notes = "音频转码的比特率,为0时表示采取原来的值")
private int audioBitRate;
* 音频最小比率率,为0时表示最小无效
@ApiModelProperty(notes = "音频最小比率率,为0时表示最小无效")
private int minAudioBitRate;
* 音频比特率压缩比,算法为: 最终比特率= Math.max(minAudioBitRate,audioBitRate * audioBitRateZip)
@ApiModelProperty(notes = "音频比特率压缩比,算法为: 最终比特率= Math.max(minAudioBitRate,audioBitRate * audioBitRateZip)")
private float audioBitRateZip = 1;
* 视频转码后的格式
@ApiModelProperty(notes = "视频转码后的格式")
private String videoFormat;
* 视频转码后的央视
@ApiModelProperty(notes = "视频转码后的央视")
private int videoCodeC = AV_CODEC_ID_NONE;
* 视频像素格式
@ApiModelProperty(notes = "视频像素格式")
private int videoPixelFormat = AV_PIX_FMT_NONE;
* 视频宽度,为0时默认为原来的宽度
@ApiModelProperty(notes = "视频宽度,为0时默认为原来的宽度")
private int videoWidth;
* 视频高度,为0时默认为原来的高度
@ApiModelProperty(notes = "视频高度,为0时默认为原来的高度")
private int videoHeight;
* 最小视频宽度
@ApiModelProperty(notes = "最小视频宽度")
private int minVideoWidth;
* 最小视频高度
@ApiModelProperty(notes = "最小视频高度")
private int minVideoHeight;
* 视频帧速率FrameRate
@ApiModelProperty(notes = "视频帧速率FrameRate")
private double videoFrameRate;
* 视频原角度
@ApiModelProperty(notes = "视频原角度")
private double videoRotate;
* 视频变更角度,最终角度=视频原角度+视频变更角度
@ApiModelProperty(notes = "视频变更角度,最终角度=视频原角度+视频变更角度")
private double videoRotateChange;
* 视频宽度高度压缩比,算法为: 最终宽度=Math.max(minVideoWidth,videoWidth * videoSizeZip),
* * 最终高度:=Math.max(minVideoHeight,videoHeight * videoSizeZip)
@ApiModelProperty(notes = "视频宽度高度压缩比,算法为: 最终宽度=Math.max(minVideoWidth,videoWidth * videoSizeZip)," +
"最终高度:=Math.max(minVideoHeight,videoHeight * videoSizeZip)")
private float videoSizeZip = 1;
* 视频转码的比特率,为0时表示采取原来的值
@ApiModelProperty(notes = "视频转码的比特率,为0时表示采取原来的值")
private int videoBitRate;
* 视频最小比率率,为0时表示最小无效
@ApiModelProperty(notes = "视频最小比率率,为0时表示最小无效")
private int minVideoBitRate;
* 视频比特率压缩比,算法为: 最终比特率= Math.max(minAudioBitRate,audioBitRate * audioBitRateZip)
@ApiModelProperty(notes = "视频比特率压缩比,算法为: 最终比特率= Math.max(minAudioBitRate,audioBitRate * audioBitRateZip)")
private float videoBitRateZip = 1;
* 音频最终比特率
* @return
public int getAudioBitRateFinally() {
return Math.max(this.minAudioBitRate, (int) (this.audioBitRate * this.audioBitRateZip));
* 视频最终比特率
* @return
public int getVideoBitRateFinally() {
return Math.max(this.minVideoBitRate, (int) (this.videoBitRate * this.videoBitRateZip));
* 音频最终宽度
* @return
public int getVideoWidthFinally() {
return Math.max(this.minVideoWidth, (int) (this.videoWidth * this.videoSizeZip));
* 音频最终高度
* @return
public int getVideoHeightFinally() {
return Math.max(this.minVideoHeight, (int) (this.videoHeight * this.videoSizeZip));
* 音频最终高度
* @return
public double getVideoRotateFinally() {
return this.videoRotate + this.videoRotateChange;
* 检查参数
public void check() {
if (audioBitRateZip > 1) {
throw new RuntimeException("audioBitRateZip请在0~1之间");
if (videoSizeZip > 1) {
throw new RuntimeException("videoSizeZip请在0~1之间");
if (videoBitRateZip > 1) {
throw new RuntimeException("videoBitRateZip请在0~1之间");
* 设置默认参数
* @param grabber 参数的视频
public void init(FFmpegFrameGrabber grabber) {
// 读取音频属性
this.audioBitRate = StringHelper.getFirst(this.audioBitRate, grabber.getAudioBitrate());
this.audioCodec = StringHelper.getFirstRun(AV_CODEC_ID_NONE, AV_CODEC_ID_NONE, this.audioCodec, grabber.getAudioCodec());
this.audioFrameRate = StringHelper.getFirstRun((double) AV_SAMPLE_FMT_NONE, (double) AV_SAMPLE_FMT_NONE, this.audioFrameRate, grabber.getAudioFrameRate());
// 视频宽度高度
this.videoWidth = StringHelper.getFirst(this.videoWidth, grabber.getImageWidth());
this.videoHeight = StringHelper.getFirst(this.videoHeight, grabber.getImageHeight());
// 读取视频格式
this.videoFormat = StringHelper.getFirst(this.videoFormat, grabber.getFormat());
this.videoCodeC = StringHelper.getFirst(this.videoCodeC, grabber.getVideoCodec());
this.videoPixelFormat = StringHelper.getFirstRun(AV_PIX_FMT_NONE, AV_PIX_FMT_NONE, this.videoPixelFormat, grabber.getPixelFormat());
// 读取视频属性
this.videoRotate = StringHelper.toDouble(grabber.getVideoMetadata(ROTATE));
this.videoFrameRate = StringHelper.getFirst(this.videoFrameRate, grabber.getFrameRate());
this.videoBitRate = StringHelper.getFirst(this.videoBitRate, grabber.getVideoBitrate());
* 设置转码参数
* @param recorder 需要转码的对象
public void init(FFmpegFrameGrabber grabber, FFmpegFrameRecorder recorder) {
// 设置音频比特率
// 设置声道
// 视频格式
// 设置转码视频格式
// 设置像素格式
// 设置转码后的视频角度
recorder.setMetadata(ROTATE, String.valueOf(this.getVideoRotateFinally()));
// 设置视频比特率
recorder.setVideoBitrate(StringHelper.getFirst(this.getVideoBitRateFinally(), this.getAudioBitRateFinally()));
// 设置帧速率
public void initZipMp4() {
// 设置压缩帧
this.videoFrameRate = 15;
// 设置压缩大小
this.videoSizeZip = 0.5f;
// 设置视频压缩率
this.videoBitRateZip = 0.5f;
public void initMp4() {
this.videoCodeC = VIDEO_CODEC_MP4;
this.videoFormat = VIDEO_FORMAT_MP4;
this.videoPixelFormat = VIDEO_FIXED_MP4;
public int getAudioCodec() {
return audioCodec;
public void setAudioCodec(int audioCodec) {
this.audioCodec = audioCodec;
public double getAudioFrameRate() {
return audioFrameRate;
public void setAudioFrameRate(double audioFrameRate) {
this.audioFrameRate = audioFrameRate;
public int getAudioBitRate() {
return audioBitRate;
public void setAudioBitRate(int audioBitRate) {
this.audioBitRate = audioBitRate;
public int getMinAudioBitRate() {
return minAudioBitRate;
public void setMinAudioBitRate(int minAudioBitRate) {
this.minAudioBitRate = minAudioBitRate;
public float getAudioBitRateZip() {
return audioBitRateZip;
public void setAudioBitRateZip(float audioBitRateZip) {
this.audioBitRateZip = audioBitRateZip;
public String getVideoFormat() {
return videoFormat;
public void setVideoFormat(String videoFormat) {
this.videoFormat = videoFormat;
public int getVideoCodeC() {
return videoCodeC;
public void setVideoCodeC(int videoCodeC) {
this.videoCodeC = videoCodeC;
public int getVideoPixelFormat() {
return videoPixelFormat;
public void setVideoPixelFormat(int videoPixelFormat) {
this.videoPixelFormat = videoPixelFormat;
public int getVideoWidth() {
return videoWidth;
public void setVideoWidth(int videoWidth) {
this.videoWidth = videoWidth;
public int getVideoHeight() {
return videoHeight;
public void setVideoHeight(int videoHeight) {
this.videoHeight = videoHeight;
public int getMinVideoWidth() {
return minVideoWidth;
public void setMinVideoWidth(int minVideoWidth) {
this.minVideoWidth = minVideoWidth;
public int getMinVideoHeight() {
return minVideoHeight;
public void setMinVideoHeight(int minVideoHeight) {
this.minVideoHeight = minVideoHeight;
public double getVideoFrameRate() {
return videoFrameRate;
public void setVideoFrameRate(double videoFrameRate) {
this.videoFrameRate = videoFrameRate;
public double getVideoRotate() {
return videoRotate;
public void setVideoRotate(double videoRotate) {
this.videoRotate = videoRotate;
public double getVideoRotateChange() {
return videoRotateChange;
public void setVideoRotateChange(double videoRotateChange) {
this.videoRotateChange = videoRotateChange;
public float getVideoSizeZip() {
return videoSizeZip;
public void setVideoSizeZip(float videoSizeZip) {
this.videoSizeZip = videoSizeZip;
public int getVideoBitRate() {
return videoBitRate;
public void setVideoBitRate(int videoBitRate) {
this.videoBitRate = videoBitRate;
public int getMinVideoBitRate() {
return minVideoBitRate;
public void setMinVideoBitRate(int minVideoBitRate) {
this.minVideoBitRate = minVideoBitRate;
public float getVideoBitRateZip() {
return videoBitRateZip;
public void setVideoBitRateZip(float videoBitRateZip) {
this.videoBitRateZip = videoBitRateZip;
package helper;
import com.yanzuoguang.util.ImageHelper;
import com.yanzuoguang.util.MediaHelper;
import com.yanzuoguang.util.MediaParameter;
import com.yanzuoguang.util.thread.RunnableListAuto;
import it.sauronsoftware.jave.Encoder;
import it.sauronsoftware.jave.EncoderException;
import org.junit.Test;
......@@ -19,57 +17,6 @@ public class TestMediaHelper {
public float[] quotes = new float[]{1f, 1f, 0.5f, 0.25f, 0.5f, 0.25f};
public void testMediaType() throws EncoderException, IOException {
System.out.println("100M.mp4 " + ImageHelper.getMediaType(getFile("100M.mp4")));
System.out.println("100M.mp4.jpg " + ImageHelper.getMediaType(getFile("100M.mp4.jpg")));
System.out.println("xuziming.mp4 " + ImageHelper.getMediaType(getFile("xuziming.mp4")));
System.out.println("z001594372388232a3017ad69c82a342.MOV " + ImageHelper.getMediaType(getFile("z001594372388232a3017ad69c82a342.MOV")));
public void printEncoding() throws EncoderException {
Encoder encoder = new Encoder();
String[] audioEncoders = encoder.getVideoEncoders();
for (String item : audioEncoders) {
public void testConvert() throws EncoderException {
Encoder encoder = new Encoder();
String[] audioEncoders = encoder.getVideoEncoders();
List<Runnable> list = new ArrayList<>();
for (String item : audioEncoders) {
list.add(testConvertThread(item, 1f, 1f));
private Runnable testConvertThread(String item, float size, float quote) {
return new Runnable() {
public void run() {
try {
testConvert(item, size, quote);
} catch (EncoderException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
private void testConvert(String item, float size, float quote) throws EncoderException {
String file = getFile("100M.mp4");
String targetFile = getTargetFile("target/100M.mp4");
String name = String.format("%s.size_%d.quot_%d.%s.mp4",
targetFile, (int) (size * 100), (int) (quote * 100), item);
MediaHelper.zipVideo(file, name, "mp4", item, size, (int) (MediaHelper.DEFAULT_BIT_RATE * quote));
private String getFile(String file) {
// 注意,路径应为文件在工程中的相对路径
File f = new File("src/test/java/helper/" + file);
......@@ -88,198 +35,36 @@ public class TestMediaHelper {
public void testVideoFirstImage() throws IOException {
if (isFirstImage) {
String file = getFile("100M.mp4");
String targetFile = getTargetFile("target/100M.mp4");
MediaHelper.getVideoFirstImage(file, targetFile + ".jpg");
isFirstImage = true;
public void testVideoFirstImage1() throws IOException {
if (isFirstImage) {
String file = getFile("xuziming.mp4");
String targetFile = getTargetFile("target/xuziming.mp4");
MediaHelper.getVideoFirstImage(file, targetFile + ".jpg");
isFirstImage = true;
public void testImageZip() throws IOException {
// 生成测试图片
public void testConvert() {
List<Runnable> list = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i = 0; i < sizes.length; i++) {
list.add(testImageZipThread(sizes[i], quotes[i]));
list.add(testConvertThread(sizes[i], quotes[i]));
private Runnable testImageZipThread(float size, float quote) {
private Runnable testConvertThread(float size, float quote) {
return new Runnable() {
public void run() {
try {
testImageZip(size, quote);
testConvert(size, quote);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
private void testImageZip(float size, float quote) throws IOException {
String file = getTargetFile("target/100M.mp4") + ".jpg";
String targetFile = getTargetFile("target/100M.mp4");
String toName = String.format("%s.size_%d.quot_%d.jpg",
targetFile, (int) (size * 100), (int) (quote * 100));
String toNameSystem = String.format("%s.size_%d.quot_%d.system.jpg",
targetFile, (int) (size * 100), (int) (quote * 100));
MediaHelper.compressPic(file, toName, quote, size);
MediaHelper.compressPicBySystem(file, toNameSystem, quote, size);
public void testVideoZipFlv() {
List<Runnable> list = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i = 0; i < sizes.length; i++) {
list.add(testVideoZipFlvThread(sizes[i], quotes[i]));
private Runnable testVideoZipFlvThread(float size, float quote) {
return new Runnable() {
public void run() {
try {
testVideoZipFlv(size, quote);
} catch (EncoderException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
private void testVideoZipFlv(float size, float quote) throws EncoderException {
String file = getFile("100M.mp4");
String targetFile = getTargetFile("target/100M.mp4");
String name = String.format("%s.size_%d.quot_%d.flv",
targetFile, (int) (size * 100), (int) (quote * 100));
MediaHelper.zipVideoFlv(file, name, size, (int) (MediaHelper.DEFAULT_BIT_RATE * quote));
public void testVideoZipMpeg_50_50() throws EncoderException {
testVideoZipMpeg(0.5f, 0.5f);
public void testVideoZipMpeg() throws EncoderException {
List<Runnable> list = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i = 0; i < sizes.length; i++) {
list.add(testVideoZipMpegThread(sizes[i], quotes[i]));
private Runnable testVideoZipMpegThread(float size, float quote) {
return new Runnable() {
public void run() {
try {
testVideoZipMpeg(size, quote);
} catch (EncoderException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
private void testVideoZipMpeg(float size, float quote) throws EncoderException {
private void testConvert(float size, float quote) throws IOException {
String file = getFile("100M.mp4");
String targetFile = getTargetFile("target/100M.mp4");
String name = String.format("%s.size_%d.quot_%d.mpeg.mp4",
targetFile, (int) (size * 100), (int) (quote * 100));
MediaHelper.zipVideoMpeg(file, name, size, (int) (MediaHelper.DEFAULT_BIT_RATE * quote));
String toFile = String.format("%s.size_%d.quot_%d.mp4", targetFile, (int) (size * 100), (int) (quote * 100));
public void testVideoZip3pg() throws EncoderException {
List<Runnable> list = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i = 0; i < sizes.length; i++) {
list.add(testVideoZip3pgThread(sizes[i], quotes[i]));
MediaParameter parameter = new MediaParameter();
private Runnable testVideoZip3pgThread(float size, float quote) {
return new Runnable() {
public void run() {
try {
testVideoZip3pg(size, quote);
} catch (EncoderException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
private void testVideoZip3pg(float size, float quote) throws EncoderException {
String file = getFile("100M.mp4");
String targetFile = getTargetFile("target/100M.mp4");
String name = String.format("%s.size_%d.quot_%d.3pg",
targetFile, (int) (size * 100), (int) (quote * 100));
MediaHelper.zipVideo3pg(file, name, size, (int) (MediaHelper.DEFAULT_BIT_RATE * quote));
public void testVideoZip_50_50() throws EncoderException {
testVideoZip(0.5f, 0.5f);
public void testVideoZip() throws EncoderException {
List<Runnable> list = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i = 0; i < sizes.length; i++) {
list.add(testVideoZipThread(sizes[i], quotes[i]));
private Runnable testVideoZipThread(float size, float quote) {
return new Runnable() {
public void run() {
try {
testVideoZip(size, quote);
} catch (EncoderException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
private void testVideoZip(float size, float quote) throws EncoderException {
String file = getFile("100M.mp4");
String targetFile = getTargetFile("target/100M.mp4");
String name = String.format("%s.size_%d.quot_%d.mp4",
targetFile, (int) (size * 100), (int) (quote * 100));
MediaHelper.zipVideo(file, name, size, (int) (MediaHelper.DEFAULT_BIT_RATE * quote));
MediaHelper.convertVideoMp4(file, toFile, parameter);
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