Commit 4bd10ec2 authored by 潘永坪's avatar 潘永坪


parent 745d7900
......@@ -16,4 +16,26 @@ const app = new Vue({
function toFixed(number, m) {
if (typeof number !== 'number') {
throw new Error("number不是数字");
let result = Math.round(Math.pow(10, m) * number) / Math.pow(10, m);
result = String(result);
if (result.indexOf(".") == -1) {
if(m != 0){
result += ".";
result += new Array(m + 1).join('0');
} else {
let arr = result.split('.');
if (arr[1].length < m) {
arr[1] += new Array(m - arr[1].length + 1).join('0')
result = arr.join('.')
return parseFloat(result)
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