Commit 22522213 authored by yanzg's avatar yanzg


parent f451bbd9
import com.yanzuoguang.util.cache.MemoryCache;
import com.yanzuoguang.util.contants.ResultConstants;
import com.yanzuoguang.util.helper.JsonHelper;
import com.yanzuoguang.util.helper.StringHelper;
import com.yanzuoguang.util.log.Log;
import com.yanzuoguang.util.thread.ThreadNext;
import com.yanzuoguang.util.vo.LogVo;
import com.yanzuoguang.util.vo.ResponseResult;
......@@ -21,6 +24,7 @@ import java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue;
* 基本处理拦截类
* @author 颜佐光
public class BaseRequestAspect implements ThreadNext.Next {
......@@ -35,6 +39,9 @@ public class BaseRequestAspect implements ThreadNext.Next {
protected int cacheTime = 120;
private int reqSize;
protected ApplicationContext context;
......@@ -96,6 +103,92 @@ public class BaseRequestAspect implements ThreadNext.Next {
return logInterVo;
* 获取JSON,当Json过长时,截断
* @param paraJson
* @return
private String getMaxString(String paraJson) {
if (paraJson != null && paraJson.length() > reqSize) {
paraJson = paraJson.substring(0, reqSize);
return paraJson;
* 记录请求日志
* @param joinPoint
* @return
protected long requestLog(String tag, ProceedingJoinPoint joinPoint) {
long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
try {
String name = joinPoint.getSignature().getName();
Log.threadBegin();, " %s [ %s ] request: %s",
tag, name, this.getMaxString(JsonHelper.serialize(joinPoint.getArgs())));
} catch (Exception ex) {
return start;
* 保存日志
* @param url
* @param joinPoint
* @param result
* @param resultEx
* @param start
protected void responseLog(String url, String tag, ProceedingJoinPoint joinPoint, long start, Object result, Exception resultEx) {
try {
String name = joinPoint.getSignature().getName();
// 处理结果
ResponseResult responseResult;
if (result instanceof ResponseResult) {
responseResult = (ResponseResult) result;
} else {
responseResult = ResponseResult.result(result);
long time = System.currentTimeMillis() - start;
if (resultEx != null) {
Log.error(joinPoint.getSignature().getDeclaringType(), "%s [ %s ] time %d ms, error: %s",
tag, name, time, getMaxString(resultEx.getMessage()));
} else {, "%s [ %s ] time %d ms, result: %s",
tag, name, time, getMaxString(JsonHelper.serialize(responseResult)));
// 日志请求不记录,防止死循环递归
boolean isLog = applicationName.indexOf(CloudContans.LOG_MODULE) >= 0
|| name.indexOf(CloudContans.LOG_MODULE) >= 0
|| url.indexOf(CloudContans.LOG_MODULE) >= 0;
if (isLog) {
// 正常请求不记录
if (!logAll
&& responseResult != null
&& responseResult.getCode() == ResultConstants.SUCCESS) {
LogVo logVo = initLogInterVo(url, joinPoint, responseResult);
logVo.setUseTime((int) time);
} catch (Exception e) {
} finally {
* 执行下一个函数,出现异常会继续执行
......@@ -8,19 +8,18 @@ import org.aspectj.lang.ProceedingJoinPoint;
import org.aspectj.lang.annotation.Around;
import org.aspectj.lang.annotation.Aspect;
import org.aspectj.lang.annotation.Pointcut;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;
* 接口切面,用于验证接口回调返回参数
* @author 颜佐光
public class FeignAspect extends HttpAspectUtil {
public class FeignAspect extends BaseRequestAspect {
private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(FeignAspect.class);
private static final String TAG = FeignAspect.class.getSimpleName();
* AOP的表达式
......@@ -37,11 +36,11 @@ public class FeignAspect extends HttpAspectUtil {
@Around(value = "feignAspect()")
public Object requestFeignAround(ProceedingJoinPoint joinPoint) throws Throwable {
String name = joinPoint.getSignature().getName();
long start = requestLog(TAG, joinPoint);
Object result = null;
long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
Exception ex = null;
try {"[ {} ] feign params is {}", name, joinPoint.getArgs());
result = joinPoint.proceed();
// 假如是标准格式,则验证接口是否成功,不成功则抛出异常
......@@ -52,20 +51,16 @@ public class FeignAspect extends HttpAspectUtil {
// 记录服务调用时间,请求日志
long end = System.currentTimeMillis();"[ {} ] feign time ({})ms, result is {}", name, (end - start), result);
return result;
} catch (CodeException e) {
ex = e;
throw e;
} catch (Exception e) {
long end = System.currentTimeMillis();
logger.error("[ {} ] feign time ({})ms , error {}", name, (end - start), e);
if (e instanceof CodeException) {
throw e;
} else {
ResponseResult responseResult = ExceptionHelper.getError(e);
throw new CodeException(responseResult.getCode(), responseResult.getMessage(), responseResult.getTarget());
result = ExceptionHelper.getError(e);
ex = e;
throw e;
} finally {
responseLog(TAG, joinPoint.getSignature().getName(), joinPoint, start, result, ex);
......@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;
public class MqAspect extends BaseRequestAspect {
private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MqAspect.class);
private static final String TAG = MqAspect.class.getSimpleName();
* exec aop point aspect
......@@ -42,50 +42,23 @@ public class MqAspect extends BaseRequestAspect {
@Around(value = "mqAspect()")
public Object requestWebAround(ProceedingJoinPoint joinPoint) throws Throwable {
long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
String name = joinPoint.getSignature().getName();"[ {} ] request params is {}", name, joinPoint.getArgs());
long start = requestLog(TAG, joinPoint);
Object result = null;
Exception ex = null;
try {
Object ret = executeMethod(joinPoint, name);
long end = System.currentTimeMillis();"[ {} ] time ({})ms, result is {}", name, (end - start), ret);
return ret;
result = executeMethod(joinPoint);
return result;
} catch (Exception e) {
long end = System.currentTimeMillis();
logger.error("[ {} ] time ({})ms, is error {}", name, (end - start), e);
// 消费消息出错
ResponseResult responseResult = ExceptionHelper.getError(e);
saveInterLogs(joinPoint, responseResult);
Log.error(joinPoint.getSignature().getDeclaringType(), e);
result = ExceptionHelper.getError(e);
ex = e;
throw e;
} finally {
responseLog(TAG, joinPoint.getSignature().getName(), joinPoint, start, result, ex);
private Object executeMethod(ProceedingJoinPoint joinPoint, String name) throws Throwable {
private Object executeMethod(ProceedingJoinPoint joinPoint) throws Throwable {
return joinPoint.proceed();
* deal with inter api logs
* @param joinPoint 请求参数
* @param responseResult 返回参数
private void saveInterLogs(ProceedingJoinPoint joinPoint, ResponseResult responseResult) {
// 日志请求不记录,防止死循环递归
if (applicationName.indexOf(CloudContans.LOG_MODULE) >= 0) {
// 正常请求不记录
if (!logAll && responseResult.getCode() == ResultConstants.SUCCESS) {
LogVo logVo = initLogInterVo(StringHelper.EMPTY, joinPoint, responseResult);
......@@ -37,15 +37,14 @@ import java.lang.reflect.Type;
public class WebAspect extends BaseRequestAspect {
private static final String TAG = WebAspect.class.getSimpleName();
private TokenServiceCall tokenServiceCall;
private String reqUrl;
private int reqSize;
* exec aop point aspect
......@@ -61,64 +60,32 @@ public class WebAspect extends BaseRequestAspect {
@Around(value = "webAspect()")
public Object requestWebAround(ProceedingJoinPoint joinPoint) throws Throwable {
// 用户数据库记录
ResponseResult responseResult = null;
long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
String name = joinPoint.getSignature().getName();
Ref<Boolean> flag = new Ref<>(false);
long start = requestLog(TAG, joinPoint);
Object result = null;
Exception ex = null;
Ref<Boolean> flag = new Ref<>(false);
try {, "[ %s ] request params is: %s", name, this.getMaxString(JsonHelper.serialize(joinPoint.getArgs())));
Object result = executeMethod(joinPoint, name);
if (result instanceof ResponseResult) {
responseResult = (ResponseResult) result;
} else {
responseResult = ResponseResult.result(result);
long end = System.currentTimeMillis();
result = executeMethod(joinPoint);
return result;
} catch (Exception e) {
ex = e;
responseResult = ExceptionHelper.getError(e);
result = ExceptionHelper.getError(e);
if (getReturnType(joinPoint).getTypeName().indexOf(ResponseResult.class.getName()) > -1) {
return responseResult;
return result;
} else {
throw e;
} finally {
long time = System.currentTimeMillis() - start;
if (ex != null) {
Log.error(WebAspect.class, "[ %s ] time %d ms, error: %s", name, time, getMaxString(ex.getMessage()));
} else {, "[ %s ] time %d ms, result is: %s", name, time, getMaxString(JsonHelper.serialize(responseResult)));
saveInterLogs(joinPoint, responseResult, time);
responseLog(TAG, HttpAspectUtil.getHttpRequestUrl(), joinPoint, start, result, ex);
* 获取JSON,当Json过长时,截断
* @param paraJson
* @return
private String getMaxString(String paraJson) {
if (paraJson != null && paraJson.length() > reqSize) {
paraJson = paraJson.substring(0, reqSize);
return paraJson;
* 执行结束函数
......@@ -165,11 +132,10 @@ public class WebAspect extends BaseRequestAspect {
* 执行方法
* @param joinPoint 需要执行的方法
* @param name 方法名称
* @return 返回结果
* @throws Throwable
private Object executeMethod(ProceedingJoinPoint joinPoint, String name) throws Throwable {
private Object executeMethod(ProceedingJoinPoint joinPoint) throws Throwable {
boolean dataArgs = joinPoint.getArgs().length != 1
|| joinPoint.getArgs().length == 1 &&
(joinPoint.getArgs()[0] instanceof ServletResponse || joinPoint.getArgs()[0] instanceof ServletRequest);
......@@ -211,26 +177,4 @@ public class WebAspect extends BaseRequestAspect {
return result;
* deal with inter api logs
* @param joinPoint 请求参数
* @param responseResult 返回参数
private void saveInterLogs(ProceedingJoinPoint joinPoint, ResponseResult responseResult, long time) {
// 日志请求不记录,防止死循环递归
if (applicationName.indexOf(CloudContans.LOG_MODULE) >= 0) {
// 正常请求不记录
if (!logAll
&& responseResult != null
&& responseResult.getCode() == ResultConstants.SUCCESS) {
LogVo logVo = initLogInterVo(HttpAspectUtil.getHttpRequestUrl(), joinPoint, responseResult);
logVo.setUseTime((int) time);
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