Commit 5f2e30c0 authored by yanzg's avatar yanzg


parent b7619f8b
......@@ -107,11 +107,12 @@ public class PrinterPagerItemData extends BaseVo {
* 处理字体
* @return
private String initFont() {
if (this.font != null && this.font.endsWith(",")) {
this.font.substring(0, this.font.length() - 1);
this.font = this.font.substring(0, this.font.length() - 1);
return font;
......@@ -32,10 +32,18 @@ public class TestPrinterHelper {
public void testPrinter() {
String fromJson = FileHelper.readFile(new File(getFile()), "utf-8");
String fromJson = FileHelper.readFile(new File(getFile("from.json")), "utf-8");
PrinterPagerData data = JsonHelper.deserialize(fromJson, PrinterPagerData.class);
String toJson = JsonHelper.serialize(data, true);
FileHelper.writeFile(new File(getTargetFile()), toJson, "utf-8");
FileHelper.writeFile(new File(getTargetFile("to.json")), toJson, "utf-8");
public void testPrinterXx() {
String fromJson = FileHelper.readFile(new File(getFile("from_xx.json")), "utf-8");
PrinterPagerData data = JsonHelper.deserialize(fromJson, PrinterPagerData.class);
String toJson = JsonHelper.serialize(data, true);
FileHelper.writeFile(new File(getTargetFile("to_xx.json")), toJson, "utf-8");
......@@ -50,18 +58,18 @@ public class TestPrinterHelper {
from.put("PlayerType", "游客类型");
from.put("salePriceTotal", "25");
String fromJson = FileHelper.readFile(new File(getFile()), "utf-8");
ConvertPlan convert = PrinterHelper.convert(fromJson, 0, 0, from);
String fromJson = FileHelper.readFile(new File(getFile("from.json")), "utf-8");
ConvertPlan convert = PrinterHelper.convertArray(fromJson, 0, 0, from);
FileHelper.writeFile(new File(getTargetFile()), convert.getPager(), "utf-8");
FileHelper.writeFile(new File(getTargetFile("to_1.json")), convert.getPager(), "utf-8");
String toJson = JsonHelper.serialize(convert.getDatas(), true);
FileHelper.writeFile(new File(getTargetDataFile()), toJson, "utf-8");
FileHelper.writeFile(new File(getTargetFile("to_2_data.json")), toJson, "utf-8");
private String getFile() {
private String getFile(String from) {
// 注意,路径应为文件在工程中的相对路径
File f = new File("src/test/java/helper/from.json");
File f = new File("src/test/java/helper/" + from);
if (!f.exists()) {
throw new RuntimeException("视频文件不存在");
......@@ -69,17 +77,10 @@ public class TestPrinterHelper {
return f.getAbsolutePath();
private String getTargetFile() {
private String getTargetFile(String to) {
// 注意,路径应为文件在工程中的相对路径
File f = new File("target/to.json");
File f = new File("target/" + to);
return f.getAbsolutePath();
private String getTargetDataFile() {
// 注意,路径应为文件在工程中的相对路径
File f = new File("target/toData.json");
return f.getAbsolutePath();
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\ No newline at end of file
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