Commit f13538e8 authored by yanzg's avatar yanzg


parent edc462c2
......@@ -198,14 +198,14 @@ public class UrlHelper {
public static String getFullUrl(String simpleUrl, String simpleBaseUrl, String defBaseUrl) {
// 获取请求地址
String tbdUrl = StringHelper.getFirst(simpleBaseUrl, defBaseUrl);
String baseUrl = StringHelper.getFirst(simpleBaseUrl, defBaseUrl);
// 获取全路径
String toSimpleFullUrl = getFUllUrl(tbdUrl, simpleUrl);
String toSimpleFullUrl = getFUllUrl(baseUrl, simpleUrl);
// 最终地址处理
String toSimpleUrl;
if (!, simpleUrl) && toSimpleFullUrl.startsWith(defBaseUrl)) {
if (!, defBaseUrl) && toSimpleFullUrl.startsWith(defBaseUrl)) {
String rightUrl = StringHelper.trimStart(toSimpleFullUrl, defBaseUrl);
toSimpleUrl = getFUllUrl(tbdUrl, rightUrl);
toSimpleUrl = getFUllUrl(baseUrl, rightUrl);
} else {
toSimpleUrl = toSimpleFullUrl;
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